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Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Rise & Fall & Rise [of Former South Carolina Gov Sanford]

The Rise & Fall & Rise [of Former South Carolina Gov Sanford]

Last night, I was watching the Netflix Series "THE FAMILY" but I got [intentionally] side-tracked when I stumbled across that part where the travails of Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford started to unravel.  And before I knew it, I was 'googling' more and more about Governor Sanford, his legal tiffs with his ex-wife Jenny and even his rough and tumble relationship with Maria Chapur, his girlfriend who's an Argentinian journalist.  BUT it was NOT the clashing relationships that captured my attention.  It was the realization that we are all BOUNCY BALLS and regardless our skids and tumbles in life, it is not bad BOUNCING BACK because the natural inertia of the BALL in us will BOUNCE BACK.  Apologies I am NOT wearing another hat here as a physicist because I'm NOT✅✅✅

Going back to the 'Governor Sanford Saga', if I may call it that way, his story as a 'COMEBACK KID' was NOT one typically found in scripted movies.  In fact, after he reappeared and hosted a media conference a week after he disappeared, everyone [AS IN everyone] have all given up on him, down to his rabid followers and acolytes.  And when he had 'ONE FOOT IN' for the impeachment process, after all the political balancing acts, the South Carolina 'powers that be' decided to let him finish his term instead of giving things on a silver platter to the then Lt. Governor who had his fair share of despised political foesπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Fast forward, what really captured my time [and self-volunteered captivity] in that 'Governor Sanford Saga' was that, after he finished his one-term governor on a very 'SOUR NOTE', everyone [wrongly] thought [and that included myself] that the last thing we would have heard about Governor Sanford is his 'political epitaph'.  Lo and behold, in less than a decade since he went into a 'political oblivion' that left him NOT only lickin' his wounds but family-less, homeless and penniless, he launched an ambitious [and many described it as an INSANE one] attempt for a political comback to run as a congressman [still in South Carolina].  AND HE WON [and that was INSANE, I thought! ]  And he served as a congressman for another three terms, whewπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

What are my realizations after this riveting 'Governor Sanford Saga'?  A couple of lessons here.  First, I'd like to state the obvious that AS LONG AS YOU'RE NOT MORTALLY DEAD, no one and no one should write you off [regardless of the severity and impact of your worst mistakes ever.  Secondly, YOU and YOU YOURSELF is the primary catalyst for you to BOUNCE BACK.  Not anyone else, not even your family.  Thirdly, to quote a captivating one-liner in 'THE FAMILY' Netflix Series, where you have crossed the line, ADMIT, REPENT and get on track back to your RECOVERY ROAD.  Definitely, BOUNCING BACK from one's darkest and worst mistake[s] ever is a tall order [BUT certainly, NOT AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM].  I may NOT be an American [and ceetainly NOT from the Palmetto State of South Carolina] but I truly admire how Former South Carolina Governor Sanford 'rose from the ashes' to become a successful three-term Congressman, stamping a positive note as he closed out his political career.  I absolutely salute Governor Sanford for his epic BOUNCE BACK both in his political life and even in his political lifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

In a nutshell, this is the quick narrative of the RISE and FALL and RISE [again] of a South Carolina Governor who later on became a three-term congressman [and most importantly, he was once one of the favored 'presidential timbers' of the GOP [Republican] Party.  Icing of the cake here, in his 'political resurrection', without the slightest hesitation, he was front and center, locking horns with them GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.  And in the Netflix "THE FAMILY" Series, he unabashedly drew comparisons between himself and King David [of that infamous David and Bathsheba Story] and NOT about that David and Goliath stuff.  Oh, DON'T miss  the TWO ROADS DIVERGED book authored by Governor Sanford himself.  It's worth it⏳⏳⏳

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