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Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Thrill Of The Hunt

The Thrill Of The Hunt

Why are the safaris so popular in Kenya and the rest of Africa?  Why hass so many have gone crazy with deer hunting?  Why does the Amazon continue to lure the most daring hunters?  If there is a commonality between all of them, it is because  they all have That Thrill Of The Hunt.  No amount of success can supplant that sense of fulfillment πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

But, before we end up in a disconnect, let me clarify that our thread today is NOT literally about hunting but instead, this is about HUNTING for opportunities, HUNTING for changes and HUNTING for breakthroughs.  So, I might get asked:  Why do we need to go HUNTING for all these in life?  Simple.  Those windows of opportunities are not for our takingπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So, what happens if we DON'T go HUNTING because we DON'T find the THRILL with it?  Nothing catastrophic OR disastrous but simply put, what that means, you will lose by default.  WHY?  Because you missed out unearthing and uncorking opportunities that were all over the place except that they were planted in obscurity like land mines.  So you might ask me, did I have that THRILL OF THE HUNT?  Absolutely.  That explains I did 'bring home the bacon' many timesπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, you might push me against the wall and ask as to what are the PERILS of HUNTING?  Just one too many.  First of, you got to be willing and raring to take the risk.  As the old adage goes, NO GUTS, NO GLORY.  So, if there is a non-negotiable pre-requisite here, it is for you to have that intestinal fortitude to take risks and be ready to fail [because many times, you will fall flat on your face].  And since you are bracing for failures and shortfalls to happen, reset your expectations that once you fail, your setback means you will take steps back from where you fell [because that's a SETBACK]✅✅✅

BUT we should NOT feel daunted despite the daunting prospects ahead.  WHY?  Because going for HUNTING is a WIN-WIN for you.  You got nothing to lose the fact that you're on that HUNTING.  If you need to be egging yourself to go for those HUNTS, think about the THRILL OF THE HUNT because that will be your biggest motivator.  Nothing beats you❗❗❗

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