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Monday, August 14, 2023

Fit Like A Glove

Fit Like A Glove

These days, things you need can happen on-the-fly and things you want can be snapped off straight off-the-shelf.  But we all want to end up with the best, perfect one.  This is analogous to young ones hoping to find his/her dream partner in life.  The trick here is that your dream partner can't be found off-the-shelf.  In fact, the likelihood is you may end up finding your partner who ends up to be as imperfect as you are [or even worse than what you are].  But's NOT our thread today.  What we want to harp is that everyone of us can still aim to be one who may Fit Like A GloveπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Back in our school days, you could be an officer of the students council OR get invited to parties but sometimes, you could feel that you just DON'T fit in, that you're different from those other people and that those people DON'T really get you, let alone ACCEPT you for WHO you really are.  Perhaps you feel that either you're too quiet OR too talkative.  OR too serious OR too much of a funster.  OR your face OR body isn't traditionally attractive❓❓❓ 
Indeed, it is tough to deal with feeling you DON'T really fit in.  And unfortunately, there are NO easy answers but maybe let's figure things out.  Like when you worry too much about what others think of you.  Is it time to stop caring so much about what others think and start caring more about your 'SELF-APPRAISAL'?  If you look at yourself dispassionately, should you feel pretty good about the overall person you are?  If you have flaws you want to remediate, that's just fine but all of us have characteristics that are relatively immutable.  We're like a rose bush.  We'll always have thorns but they DON'T render our flowers worthlessπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
While that rose bush metaphor is valid, it may NOT actually make you more 'self-accepting'.  So, play shrink with yourself.  WHY do you accept other people despite their failings BUT refuse to accept yourself?  Could it be that a spouse/partner, teacher, work colleague or someone in your family of origin devastated you and their words continue to ring in your ears?  Could be.  OR perhaps you made a serious mistake or three that you feel you deserve self-loathing.  OR is it time for us to change?πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
C'mon, IS IT TIME TO CHANGE?  Perhaps, you're NOT fitting in is worth fixing?  Is it time to work on that, perhaps in baby-steps?  If you've been so aggressive that the costs have outweighed the benefits, is it time to focus on dialing it back until your modulated self becomes automatic?  If you've been lazy, is it time to commit to working MORE and procrastinating LESS?  Yesirrrrs, we all can still FIT LIKE A GLOVE [but you got to lift your fingers to take this initiative]✅✅✅

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