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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Do We Need Digital Detox?


Anyone NOT BUSY now?  Surely, hardly anyone is NOT BUSY.  What a life indeed.  What's our FIX?  Please do consider taking a DIGITAL DETOX initiative.  Setting a cap for your time for Meta/FB, IG, name them all.  It has worked for most who took that initiative so, I'm safely guessing it should work [NOT seamlessly though] to every Tom, Dick and HarryπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Apart from social media, still Busy?  NOT TRUE Most Of The Time !  Yesirrrrs, NOT to make a blanket statement because at times indeed we are [LEGITIMATELY] busy, e.g. you're behind the steering wheel for a long haul drive OR you are attending/assisting for a family medical emergency OR you are on-duty, in the middle of your tasks.  But what makes many of us quite guilty [over and over again] is that BEING BUSY has become the SAFE EXIT, SAFE EXCUSE to bail outπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Indeed, i'll immediately succumb and subscribe to this statement that 'TOO BUSY" is just a myth [of course except those LEGITIMATE EXCEPTIONS].  So, what prods us to kinda abuse and exploit this 'overused alibi'?  My personal prognosis is that, in those cases, people are simply L-A-Z-YπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Oh, let's NOT overlook or ignore those REAL FRIENDS who would be with us, assisting, advising and even inspiring DESPITE whatever hectic schedules they themselves are going through.  But my concern is this passive, laidback [and pardon me, I'll call it LAZY] attitude when people would over-abuse the BUSY aspect as an excuse to avoid committing oneself on something he's mind is NOT into it✅✅✅

Oh, this is one HARSH TRUTH.  Some would end up with FAILUREs and instantly and almost effortlessly, they will blame being 'TOO BUSY' as the culprit of such FAILURE.  Heard of someone faltering, failing to successfully hurdle a career certification [like U.S. State BAR EXAMS] and they would reason out "OH I WAS SO BUSY, HAD LITTLE TIME LEFT for MY REVIEWERS].  So, whether you need DIGITAL DETOX or simply a PRIORITY DETOX, just do it dude❗❗❗

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