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Sunday, August 6, 2023

When Do You 'DELIVER The GOODS'?

When Do You 'DELIVER The GOODS'?

No No No, we're not into the logistics business whose core business is to 'DELIVER The GOODS',  What we're keen to ask is, in life, When Do You 'DELIVER The GOODS'?  Does it happen randomly?  At a spur of the moment?  OR do you DELIVER THE GOODS on a seasonal basis?  OR when you just FEEL GOOD to 'DELIVER The GOODS'?  Your responses to the above-mentioned queries could either make our thread today that interesting or simply damn boring, so When Do You 'DELIVER The GOODS'❓❓❓

So that's the overriding question we've posed for you today, When Do You 'DELIVER The GOODS'?  In case you ran out of words, let me second-guess you,  Do you DELIVER pinpoint, on time, as per your committed timeline?  OR do you DELIVER when emergency and urgencies would push you to plunge through the deep ravines?  OR do you DELIVER depending on your engine, if it is going on full throttle?  OR do you DELIVER when there are drivers and catalyst behind you and a cheering squad boosting your motivation down at the FINISH LINE❔❔❔

Till to date, I bear witness to people who [pardon my blunt words] start moving their ass WHEN their chips are down, WHEN their back is against the wall, WHEN they need to pray a hundred Hail Mary, WHEN they hit a hopeless rock bottom, WHEN they have ran out of cards, WHEN even his family and loved ones become miserably challenged, WHEN his only other option left to bail himself out is to renege to 'DELIVER The GOODS'❗❗❗

BUT BUT BUT, if you 'DELIVER The GOODS' like, out of duress or pressure, it is the least preferred situation.  WHY didn't you 'DELIVER The GOODS' within your committed timelines?  WHY didn't you 'DELIVER The GOODS' when you could have done it at a normal pace?  WHY didn't you 'DELIVER The GOODS' when that 'pressure cooker' has not reached that boiling point?  WHY 'DELIVER The GOODS' when you ran out of cards❓❓❓

So what's our FIXes?  Be rigidly committed to your timelines.  Cast your goals + timelines in stone.  DON'T start moving goal posts.  Once you've done it once, come next time, you'll abuse that flexibility again [BTW habits die hard].  If to 'DELIVER The GOODS' is far down the road, define milestones because that will be egging you to thread forward, even at a slow pace📌📌📌

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