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Saturday, August 26, 2023

BEWARE: Things Will Worsen Before It Gets Better

BEWARE:  Things Will Worsen Before It Gets Better

BEWARE:  Things Will Worsen Before It Gets Better.  This is neither scare tactics nor Armageddon-like forecasts.   But have we ever wondered why some things get WORSE before they get BETTER?  Like when we opt to avail of professional counselling [to address a chronic issue like anxiety], and then just when you are about to commit to a CHANGE, you notice that every little thing seems to make you more anxious and stressed out.
Maybe our issue that's bothering us is our temper, so you start to pay attention to how often you get mad, you seem to become angrier.  If you experience an increase in the behaviors you're trying to fix, you might even decide to quit that counselling because you would conclude prematurely that it ISN'T working.  BUT hold on.  Before throwing the towel, it is imperative to know that what you are experiencing, feeling WORSE before feeling BETTER is entirely normal
Although getting WORSE before getting BETTER isn't a steadfast rule, it does happen to a lot of people a lot of the time.  As with many things in life, when we decide that we want to improve ourselves, we end up undergoing a series of CHANGES.  And that first CHANGE involves admitting to ourselves that indeed there is a problem to be FIXED
As a whole, let's admit it that it is NEVER easy for us to identify our flaws and surely, we DON'T like changing them.  Acknowledging that there is an issue is the correct first step but that alone is NOT going to make a difference.  Instead, we need to explore what's going on and that reflective process becomes our self-awareness.  Self-awareness requires us to place our issues under a MICROSCOPE and scrutinize each little detail.  As one would imagine, that is an experience that can set off a TIDAL WAVE of emotions including shame, fear, anger and even pain
Once we feel we're in control, a door of endless opportunities will begin to open.  And when that door opens, we may realize that we just CANT tackle our issues alone.  Unfortunately, many people go into counselling looking for a quick FIX but truthfully that's NOT how it works.  Odds are we DIDN'T get to where we are overnight because THINGS WILL WORSEN BEFORE IT GET BETTER❗❗❗

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