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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Yes, Satisfaction Waxes And Wanes Too

Yes, Satisfaction Waxes And Wanes Too

Yesirrrrrrrrrs, much to our chagrin, even our Satisfaction Waxes And Wanes Too.  BUT you might retort, WHY? Well, while researches have yielded mixed results, those studies still reached a common ground by concluding that relationship satisfaction tends to decrease from age 20 to 40.  Then, from that low point, it typically increases until age 65 then stays relatively stable for approximately another 10 years or so.  When they analyzed relationships by length, the pattern was slightly different.  Couples tend to be less satisfied during the first 10 years but that satisfaction REBOUNDS for the next 20 years before it wanes againπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Exactly, the researchers tagged this all as the TRAJECTORY OF LOVE.  Why are we least happy with our relationships as we approach mid-life before the trajectory recovers and rebounds again?  Everyone points to the MID-LIFE crisis as indeed a real phenomenon, with happiness levels dipping around that time and those studies tend to link this even to our romantic life⏳⏳⏳

Indeed, researchers have just reaffirmed that in our middle age, we may be juggling busy work hours while multi-tasking to raise the kids and to add to that, to look after aging parents.  Those findings did suggest that parents to be less satisfied with their relationships compared by partners without kids.  On the same breadth, the SENSE OF POSSIBILITY that comes with being young may get lost with us adultsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

And as we cross mid-life, life-changing events do happen.  One gets divorced and finds a new, happier relationship. Or we might simply make peace with the partner we have [NOT BECAUSE you're still swoon over heels] because there may be NO infinite options out there.  That's when reality sinks in✅✅✅

What this all tells us is that we got to realize that indeed our satisfaction does have its peaks and valleys BUT here's a big BUT.  We DON'T need to succumb to this trending patterns because it's us who should maneuver and dictate the trajectory of our life.  And regardless if our satisfaction does WAX and WANE, it should not impact our relationships❗❗❗

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