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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Heavy Lifting In Life

Heavy Lifting In Life

So sorry folks if you mistook today's thread as being written by a gym buff because I'm not one. But instead, we'd like to delve more about our Heavy Lifting In Life.  While we all keep harping on our sense of responsibility in terms of taking care of our families and loved ones, what pops up as well is the frequency and extent of our Heavy Lifting In Life.  Are we single-handedly taking the Heavy Lifting In LifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

The other day as we were on a short countryside holiday, I noticed a line of ants crossing the path in front of me.  Momentarily I paused and watched them all queueing in a single line.  Not aware where they were going or if they were walking with a purpose, I then noticed one carrying a leaf.  And then I noticed another.  And another again.  And those ants carrying leaves  seemed to be keeping up BUT the longer I watched, the more I noticed they were walking a little slower than the othersπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

I DON'T know much about ants and I have NO idea how they decided which ants need to carry the leaves and which ants can continue walking unencumbered.  All I noticed was that some ants were walking peacefully while others were carrying a heavy burden.  And that reminded me about life itself.  Sometimes, we tend to walk peacefully but other times, Heavy Lifting In Life comes into play.  There are seasons in life where the path is easy and the burdens are light⏳⏳⏳

Indeed, during those times, health is good, $$$$$ is in the bank, relationships are healthy and our habits are serving us well.  But there are seasons in life where the burden is heavy.  For those with families, kids are making unwise choices, our relationships with our loved ones seem to be turning against us and bad news continues to mount with no end in sight.  Yet, when we look around, everyone else seem to be fine, unencumbered, enjoying their path through life and even celebrating their share of successes.  BUT we're stuck carrying that HEAVY LEAF.  We're trying our hardest to keep up BUT the burden seems heavyπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Quo vadis?  Here's our challenge of a lifetime.  Those of us rushing swiftly from one end to another, unburdened, without that LEAF.  Take time to notice those with HEAVY BURDENS.  There is a temptation when our burden is light to NOT notice the HEAVY LIFTING being done by others.  That Heavy Lifting In Life✅✅✅

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