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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Always Have A Parachute In Life

Always Have A Parachute In Life

Need a PARACHUTE in life?  It's a LOUD YES sirrrrrrs, by all means.  During our infancy till our childhood when we were totally dependent to our parents, literally clinging to them, they were our very PARACHUTE in life.  Fast forward into our adulthood, we were very much on our own feet, like it or NOT.  But along the way, do we need to have a PARACHUTE as a contingency?  Absolutely folks. This is a no-brainer. For one singular but compelling reason, we gotta  Always Have A Parachute In Life and we'll go down and rattle off the most basic rationale why we'll insist that you Always Have A Parachute In LifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

I just CAN'T fathom going through our daily life but with NO PARACHUTE for contingency?  So, why do we need one?  Simple.  In life, we got to always have a fallback, a contingency when things DON'T materialize as planned or expected.  There are just one too many WHAT IFs in life that should be more than enough to nudge and convince us all to always have that indispensable PARACHUTE⏳⏳⏳

You're finally stepping out of your parents' shadows and going out to the metropolis for the first time.  WHAT IF you ran out of money for your daily needs.  You thought you can take the risk of resigning from your current job because you just passed the first round of interview with that next employer.  WHAT IF your job application hits a snag along the wayπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

When I first left my home country to try my luck in Singapore, I had a PARACHUTE to cover my back based on WHAT IFs.  When I took the plunge of working out of India to manage onsite a Pan-India-wide project, I had quite a long of WHAT IFs.  Amongst others, I registered at the Singapore Embassy for them to have a record that I was a resident in India that time [for contingency purposes]✅✅✅

During holidays when we need to bring our family for those forays to other countries, you could have a mile-long list of WHAT IFs that includes medical, financial contingencies.  So WHAT IF ypu DON'T have a PARACHUTE in life?  Not to scare you out, but it won't be far fetched to speculate that you might end up in utter failure and in worst cases, in a tragic failure❗❗❗

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