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Thursday, April 20, 2023

ALWAYS Ace The Test

ALWAYS Ace The Test
Would you believe, there is a plurality of our population who would loathe or hate any TEST that comes into one's life but do you know that it's NOT that we can choose our battles.  TESTS come into our life as a 'FORCE MAJEURE'.  It comes NOT because it is our choice or preference.  Instead, it comes because it has to come even at our weakest point, at our lowest point in life.  No amount of power and/or influence can even stall or delay things once a TEST is about to hit us.  All we need to do is this:  ALWAYS Ace The TestπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
No matter our cultural background or our work/vocation, everyday we get confronted with various challenges.  You got a warning from our university professor for a possible marginal academic result, you caused a slip-up at work, you offended your partner or spouse but with no ill intentions, your business partner/supplier reneged on his contract to supply you your raw materials, you hit a financial patch, etcπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
What do we do?  Not to over-complicate things, we got two options namely, to accept these challenges and face it head on OR you resist or ignore them, hoping and praying that it will just go away and dissipate in thin air.  But let us accept this harsh reality that those challenges are very much closely woven into the fabric of our lives⏳⏳⏳
Now, have we wondered what the purpose of your life is?  Most common answers will be either success, happiness OR satisfaction.  But all these are worthwhile goals, the real purpose of our life is to [REALLY] face each of the challenges every TEST.  In a nutshell, life is a TEST for you to be and become your BEST SELF [and no less than that]✅✅✅
Now, while we cannot choose most of the tests we face in life, we can choose most of our tests in life, we can choose how we're going to face them.  Are we going to have a miserable experience, crumble under pressure, run away or avoid such TESTS in life?  OR are we going to find our inner strength to rise to such challenges and fully actualize our own potential?  Bottom line here is to really ALWAYS ACE THE TEST❗❗❗

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