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Thursday, April 6, 2023

When Your Strength Becomes Your Weakness

When Your Strength Becomes Your Weakness

Our strengths are often hard-earned [even if sometimes we refuse to admit it [all because of our misplaced ego].  BUT the truth is, they must be recognized, developed and then deployed in a precise manner to make them useful.  Regardless of the path you took to embrace your STRENGTHS, it really does take time and effort but the biggest 'TRAP' is When Your Strength Becomes Your Weakness๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Note that your STRENGTHS may also be a big part of how others value your contributions.  However, your hard-earned strengths can become your weaknesses as well.  It is all too easy to slide into the habit of turning to personal STRENGTHS to solve every problem that comes along, regardless if it is the right tool for the job.  Example, decisive people often charge ahead to get to a solution BUT sometimes, a more measured approach best fits⏳⏳⏳
But hey, there are workaround to mitigate that risk of our strengths turning into our weakness.  First off, TAKE A MOMENT BEFORE TAKING ACTION.  That ability to make quick decisions and having a bias toward action are valuable STRENGTHS that can 'MOVE MOUNTAINS'.  Before making that BIG DECISION, take a moment to invite feedback and look into options๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Next, ACKNOWLEDGE THE STRENGTH GAP.  Having a specific STRENGTH isn't a weakness per se.  BUT, it may imply that there are other STRENGTHS that you may be missing or something which you can improve on.  Example in the workplace, if the majority of your team excels in research, due diligence and fact gathering, there may be a STRENGTH  gap in something equally important, such as compelling and concise communications.  Identifying existing STRENGTH GAPS is a first step✅✅✅
Next, just DON'T GET TOO COMFORTABLE as unless you make it a priority to recognize and work on your weaknesses, your STRENGTH may become a crutch.  In can BLIND you to other options and make you hesitant to appear vulnerable or to ask for help.  Getting out of your comfort zone can help keep your STRENGTH from becoming 'THE ONLY TOOL in your toolbox.  Avert your STRENGTH ending up as your WEAKNESS❗❗❗

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