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Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Fish Rots From Its Head

The Fish Rots From Its Head

Allow me to borrow this French expression: The Fish Rots From Its Head.  Most would call this an ancient proverb of unknown origin but some speculate that it came from Greeks or even the Turks dating back from the 1600s and it comes from the idea that after the fish is caught and killed, it first begins to spoil at the headπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Swinging back to our lives, the analogy here is to draw the parallelism to our family dynamics and interactions we have with the members of our family.  And what influences our family dynamics?  Obviously the influences of family dynamics will of course vary from family to family and will often include previous generations and it goes through the living generations⏳⏳⏳

Yes, class and culture [and even geographic locations] will also play key roles as to how family dynamics are established, maintained and [even] fractured down the road.  Common factors that would shape up family dynamics [based on current realities] are as follows:

  • The nature and state of a parents' relationship
  • A parent working overseas for many years.
  • A mix of family members living under one roof
  • The number of family household members
  • Unique personalities of the family members

This leads us to dissect the impact to the family fabric brought about by unabated labor diasporas from Third World countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, amongst others✅✅✅

So, where does this discourse lead us to our thread that The Fish Rots From Its Head?  Again, the onus really falls on the shoulders of the HEAD of the FAMILY.  He has very limited 'wiggle room', a very small room for error.  When he commits a faux pas that recurs, the impact goes down the family structure.  Sadly, I can attest [on a first person account] fathers who consistently remitted the monthly financial needs of the kids, equipping them with iPhones and premium laptops.  To relieve them of the burden of commuting in the midst of traffic gridlocks, the father leased a condo unit for the kids.  Three decades past, the children took nine years to complete a 4-year course.  Worse, they have been jobless the past years.  Not that the father is rotten but the lesson here is that even consistent financial support is NO guarantee that eventually the fish will NOT rot❗❗❗

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