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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

If You're Not On The Table, You're On The Menu

If You're Not On The Table, You're On The Menu

Good day sirrrrs, hoping everything is fine at your end.  Ooooooops no sirrrrs. our thread today has got nothing to do with culinary arts but it's all about life, those numerous situations where you're neither here nor there but essentially, what we like to underscore here is that If You're Not On The Table, You're On The MenuπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Briefly. what this thread tells us is that, ideally in life, you need to be 'part of the equation'.  At home, either as an immediate family member, spouse/partner or even a child grown up enough, it pays that ypu're a part of general discussions, brainstorming and even planning an activity or family event.  WHY?  Because your inputs would matter and as such your voice need to be heard⏳⏳⏳

Whereas, many times in the past, I can attest to having witnessed frustrating instances when someone was just fine being at the fringes of things, letting everyone else brainstorm and he'll just ride on the bandwagon when it's time to.  WHAT does that make of him.  Bluntly, one becomes inutile, useless unless he's at a senile phase of his lifeπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

You can even initiate something so you become a part of the equation.  When I was still a Singaporean citizen, i made a conscious decision to VOLUNTEER as a Probation Officer at its Ministry of Community Development.  Once I get assigned cases, I was at the forefront of helping reform juvenile delinquents and that gave me a SENSE of FULFILLMENT even $$$$$ can't buy✅✅✅

What did I get out of VOLUNTEERISM?  You'll be surprised though with its enormous benefits.  Volunteering offers vital help to people in need.  The right VOLUNTEER match can help you connect with the community, learn new skills and even advance your career.  Most importantly, this tells us that while it's NOT the end of the world IF YOU'RE NOT ON THE TABLE,  there are multiple ways for you to be part of the equation and BE RELEVANT in life❗❗❗

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