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Monday, April 10, 2023

Our Life Is A Container

Our Life Is A Container    

Recently, our thread was about opportunities compared to the immense sheets of the ocean.  BUT please DON'T misconstrue me that I'm implying that life itself is akin to an ocean.  No sirrrrrs.  On the other hand, Our Life Is A Container, no more, no less.  We DON'T even need to talk about the capacity or size of any or all of the containers because it's NOT about the capacity but rather, the fact that our life is within a container, there is one trap.  We must be constantly wary to avoid any contamination from within [the container]💊💊💊
One of the most unfortunate [but unseen] contaminations in life is FORGIVENESS.  To quote from www.invajy.com, "BY FORGIVING, YOU DON'T FORGIVE THE PERSON WHO DID SOMETHING WRONG BUT YOU FORGIVE YOURSELF".  Truth is, if/when someone offends you [and you DON'T forgive], that is akin to ruining your very own life.  You just can't take life too seriously.  People will hurt you and you will hurt others.  Holding on to grudges will only blind you from focusing on what is truly important⏳⏳⏳
WHEN you live in REGRETS, you're likely contaminating [and RUINING] your life.  Listen, your past CANNOT be changed.  Learn from it and move on.  Living in REGRETS only saps your positive ENERGY and distracts you from possibilities in life.  WHEN you start comparing yourself to others, you'll be 'contaminating' your container.  There is nothing as AWFUL as degrading as trying to compare yourself with others.  We are all unique, so why try to compare yourself with someone who is NOT you📌📌📌
WHEN $$$$$$$ is raining, life is good but once we believe that $$$$$$ will make you happy, I'm afraid that MAY lead your life towards being ruined.  Money offers you freedom but there are many simple things in life that will make you happy and they DON'T require any money, seriously.  Draining your life and focusing all your attention on wealth can really make you distraught.  And when you're NOT grateful, you can be on the wrong path.  Gratitude means to appreciate the things you have.  If you are thankful, you will be at peace💎💎💎
In a nutshell, we want our lifetime journey to be free from any contamination, any negativity that will spread out within our container, our life.  BUT admittedly, this is easier said than done because our lifetime journey is one hell of a treacherous trek where our mettle will be tested.  But the best safeguards we can get embedded in our life is to safeguard our life from any that leans and leads towards negativities because at the end of the day, even your health will be at the receiving end.  So, let's live a life as bright as the sunlight and as green as the leaves in summer✅✅✅

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