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Sunday, April 16, 2023



Living intentionally requires CLARITY.  When we are clear about what makes us happy, healthy, loving and wonderful, we can be happy, healthy. loving and wonderful as well.  Let's imagine a life with less confusion and doubt.  CLARITY makes everything easier but getting there requires change and commitment especially if we are busy, distracted or overwhelmed.  If ever we want to come up with better decisions, we need to become MORE trusting, be healthier and do more meaningful work.  This is all about That CLARITY IN LIFEπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

One of the most common advisories I receive is for us to CREATE SPACE because our mind has to process everything that crosses our field of vision.  If within our home or work environment is cluttered and messy, that mess and clutter results in brain fog. we can't work effectively or even live thoughtfully in chaos.  In short, CLEAR THE CLUTTER and CREATE SPACE.  Thereafter, IDENTIFY WHAT MATTERS.  Scribble and write down your PASSION STATEMENTS for work and life.  What may not really matter [like passion statements] are really a MUST.  That CLARITY IN LIFE⏳⏳⏳
Now, here's a very common FAUX PAS.  We tend to multi-task these days.  But hey, DO ONE THING AT A TIME.  When you're writing, WRITE.  When you're doing the dishes, DO the wishes.  You DON'T need that TV, Twitter and eleven other mobile apps all at the same time.  Immerse yourself in the TASK AT HAND.  To reinforce this, ELIMINATE distractions.  You may feel so comfy to the beeps and dings of your smart phone with those alerts and flashing messages but they DISTRACT you, right?  Studies show that it can take fifteen [15] minutes or more to recover from even the slightest distraction.  C'mon, just TURN OFF those notifications and if you CAN'T resist the pull of your device, just TURN IT OFF when you're doing other work. That CLARITY IN LIFEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Now, this could be a hard sell.  Try writing things down to get CLARITY.  You DON'T need to be writer to even scribble and write short pieces.  If you are experiencing great CLARITY, write it down.  If you CAN'T get clear, write that down too.  Sometimes, you will realize that you can WRITE out that distraction and get down to CLARITY.  Thereafter, take a step further. EXPERIMENT.  You just DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW.  If you want CLARITY about the foods that best fuel you, the habits that improve your life, or the work you want to do an EXPERIMENT.  Try learning through experience and experiements.  That CLARITY IN LIFE✅✅✅
Now, for the hard part.  PUT YOUR ASS WHERE YOUR HEART WANTS TO BE.  Sounds emo, right?  But to quote famous American writer Steven Pressfield, '"THAT'S THE TRICK AND THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO IT".  Getting to That CLARITY IN LIFE may seem daunting but it's NOT❗❗❗

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