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Sunday, August 21, 2022

When You're At The EDGE

When You're At The EDGE

Here's an early morning question for us.  How often do you find yourself AT THE EDGE?  May not be always, I guess.  But surely a few times in the past you found yourself in that predicament  When You're AT THE EDGE?  Could that have been averted or avoided?  Yes because sometimes, being AT THE EDGE happens to be a consequence of our decisions
Now, let's take out those freak accidents because obviously they are outliers.  But by and large, often times we end up being AT THE EDGE because of decisions we made in life.  If you're still in the university, maybe you enrolled in a one too many subjects, way beyond what you can COMFORTABLY handle.  If you're an up and coming employee at the workplace and you've been fumbling here and there, probably you just have TOO MUCH ON YOUR PLATE?
 So, what can we do [outside of those outliers] to avert being AT THE EDGE?  Most common antidote is to always challenge yourself if ever you will end up AT THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG  TIME. Most common culprit is ending up in an event where you are UNINVITED.  Who knows, you will end up given with a COLD SHOULDER by the event host?  So obviously, there's something we can do to avert all these.
Even for quite a number of problems on the road when you're driving, a good number of such challenges could have been averted if we were PROACTIVE enough to ensure our car is in a 'TIP TOP' shape for that long haul drive. And even if you really need to take that drive but your car's shape is kinda iffffy?  Then, if you're in the U.S., take that Greyhound bus instead.
 Oh, i'd like to borrow this quotable quote from Patrick Overton, one of America's most famous authors wherein he states " WHEN YOU HAVE COME TO THE EDGE, FAITH IS KNOWING YOU WILL BE TAUGHT TO FLY". In simple terms, you GOT TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE once you are AT THE EDGE, dude✅✅✅  

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