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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Of Towels and Rags

Of Towels and Rags

There's really NOT a world of difference between a towel and a rag.  Both serve the basic purpose, that is, of drying.  But in the end, there are distinct differences between them to influence you whether you should pick up a towel or a rag.  And that's where we can draw the parallelism in life.  In one glance, a lot of things seem one and the same.  But you got to take a cursory look to distinguish where you're better off.
And FRIENDS?  Wow, this becomes more interesting, indeed.  Because I believe most of us have mile-long stories about FRIENDS and who's innocent to admit that there are FAIR WEATHER FRIENDS who won't waste a minute to turn their backs and recklessly abandon you when the going gets rough or if they perceive you to be in 'DIRE STRAITS'. How many of such type of friends have you had in your life.  Myself?  Good grief, I got a fair share of it but you DON'T need to scratch your head and start regretting or worst even blaming yourself because they're not worth your time.  JUST MOVE ON, dude.
Better still, let us be cautious when figuring out who's not a FAIR WEATHER FRIEND.  By the way, that is no easy task considering that the likelihood is, most of the time you got fair weather prevailing anyway.  So when is the best time to figure things out?  WHEN you're beset with a serious problem.  WHEN you are in a crisis.  WHEN you are pushed to the edge.  WHEN you feel like lightning did strike you. WHEN you are in near desperation.  WHEN you are just about to give up.  WHEN you're on the precipice of calling it quits.  WHEN all hell breaks loose.  And when you finally recover from all your senses, it would not take a ton of effort for the skies to get cleared, for you to distinguish who are your genuine friends versus the not so genuine ones
At the end of the day, generally we have modest goals in life, that is, to figure out who is/are the very BFF we want to treasure.  Next to our partner/spouse and our immediate family, we all agree on the value of the BFF we want in life.  BTW, how and when can you VALIDATE whether someone is really the real and genuine BFF you deserve?  They need to hurdle that TEST.
IF someone pours it all out for you.  IF someone gives up all his takes for you.  IF someone throws his WHOLE LOT for you. IF someone unconditionally does everything to extricate you out from that deep morass.  IF someone risks an arm and a leg for you.  IF someone stands by you throughout the whole nine yards, that's your man✅✅✅

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