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Friday, August 19, 2022

Push Your CHIPS to the Middle of the Table

Push Your CHIPS to the Middle of the Table

No sirrrrs, please DON'T get me wrong.  I'm not egging you to fly over to The Strip at Las Vegas to try pushing your luck.  That's a stretch.  Instead, I'm referring to our very own CHIPS in life, our CARDS which for personal reasons, we often keep close enough to our chest.  The storyline here is that we all got CHIPS & CARDS but do we ever PUSH OUR CHIPS TO THE MIDDLE OF THE TABLE?

I'm sorry folks.  We're not here to encourage you to ZIG and ZAG in life.  But the point is, regardless as to your standing now in society, regardless if you are still a student in school, or now a worker in the corporate world or a budding entrepreneur, each of us have our respective CHIPS & CARDS.  Those are valuable assets we should leverage on.

CHIPS & CARDS  are more than just commodities.  In terms of LIQUIDITY, they could approximate the liquidity of your real-life assets once you are able to translate the value of such CHIPS & CARDS.  Try keeping them closest to your chest and I can bet my lifetime of [limited] assets.  Such CHIPS & CARDS  would never 'grow' in terms of value.  In real life, you need every single CHIP & CARD to play on, to gamble on, to take the risk, albeit in a controlled and calculated manner so as to mitigate the risks at hand.   

If there are two words so close in terms of affinity, it is RISK and REWARD.  In fact and in truth, only three letters make those words unique.  Other than that, they are symbiotic partners running on the same direction because if you pick up the gauntlet and take on the challenge to take a RISK, you can end up with a REWARD

Simply put, NO RISK, NO REWARD.  And I can attest to that by taking a leaf from my hard-earned experiences in life [where many times in the past, I ended up BLACK and BLUE].  In all humility, however, I can beat my chest and attest that I would NOT have been what I am [modesty aside, I DON'T belong to the top tier] if I didn't PUSH MY CHIPS TO THE MIDDLE OF THE TABLE✅✅✅

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