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Saturday, August 20, 2022



No sirrrrrrrrs, who says that LIFE is a JOY RIDE?  That's FAKE NEWS no less.  And if someone peddles that as a HALF-TRUTH, it could offer a slight semblance of truth when we make reference to the moments of joy, blissfulness and success.  But hey, that isn't the case even 80 to 90% in our lifetime.  Truth is, in our early adulthood, those ROUGH PATCHES could be somewhere 50%.

Oh, I like this blank N white poster.  It is what it is.  that those ROUGH PATCHES is life by itself and if there are no ROUGH PATCHES, then that is NOT life all about.  Life is a 'rough and tumble' game.  And those ROUGH PATCHES could go on long stretches were things can just turn from BAD to WORSE.  And that's where your mettle will be tested to the hilt till you beckon your inner strength akin to clutching on straws in an utter state of desperation.

And by the way, in life, we are NOT on our own.  Expectedly, we should have our life support structure, to whom you can reach out.  As John Donne wrote it up, 'NO MAN IS AN ISLAND'.  When you are in the middle of those ROUGH PATCHES,  reach out to your LIFELINE because they may need to extricate you out.  That is a worst case scenario we cannot just ignore.

On the other hand, life is not a combinations of travails and tribulations.  Life being a journey, you got to ENJOY THE RIDE.  When the skies are clear and the shine shining brightly, make the most of life.  Those are the phases in life where you could be achieving little successes here and there.  But after you reach a PIT STOP for a break, simply pull the hand brake but never STOP the ENGINE because life has to keep goin' and goin'.  That's the TRAP many of us get caught up.  We thought we can slacken and reduce our pace but life is a grueling rough & tumble journey.

So what's our fix for this?  If you can be your own LIFE COACH, take up that mantle of responsibilities.  Where you may be ill-equipped, figure out who   can be your LIFE COACH in life.  That could be your partner/spouse or your most trusted siblings. Truth is, you would need your LIFE COACH during those ROUGH PATCHES✅✅✅

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