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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Are You Fine to be JUSTa Spare Tire?

Are You Fine to be JUST a 4th Wheel?

Four-wheel vehicles have breached the 1.4 billion mark.  But today's piece is NOT about vehicles but instead, it's all about us, it is how we parlay our life vis-a-vis the four wheels of a vehicle.  And the nagging question is: Are You fine to be JUST a 'SPARE TIRE?  Or worst, are you just fine being that 'spare tire' in life?  That is pitiful if ever you're somewhere there.
Please DON'T get me wrong.  Nothing wrong to be a 'spare tire' especially since it becomes so impactful during such isolated cases.  But again, we need our awareness to factor-in the fact that the usefulness of that 'spare tire' is very fleeting, simply to fill-in that moment when you ended up with a 'flat tire', be mindful of your usefulness.
In life, do we want to play the role of a 'spare tire'?  Hope NOT.  Why?  Because that leads us to this poster's question:  HOW FAR CAN YOU DRIVE ON A SPARE TIRE?  So, given that this is a GIVEN, we really need to RE-THINK if we want to be just like a 'spare tire'?
Meanwhile, while being a 'spare tire' is no mean feat, it behooves that we widen and expand our perspective to realize that in life, our role is NOT JUST to be a 'spare tire'.  With one too many goals we set in life, with just an overflow of 'deliverable goods' we need to deliver, making a living by just being a 'spare tire' will hardly MOVE THE NEEDLE. Looking at the vehicle tires, why can't we be one of the four tires that are constantly cranking and grinding once the vehicle moves?  Without the four tires, how can we complete our travel?
HOW FAR and HOW HIGH can you go on in life heavily hinges on us, on YOU.  But absolutely, if you remain as a 'spare tire', I can absolutely guarantee that it may be just a 'pipe dream' for you to reach FAR and HIGH.  Bottom line is, if we got to initiate a paradigm shift, if we need to overhaul things in our life, if we need to take a 180-degree needle-moving change, let's go for it. Let's rethink:  ARE WE CONTENTED TO BE JUST A SPARE TIRE❓❓❓

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