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Monday, August 29, 2022

Do You Play NOT To Loose?

Do You Play NOT To Loose?

Life may not be basketball, casino games or chess but if there is one thing that life is, life is always about competition no less.  You could be angling for higher academic grades in school.  OR you are trying to woo a girl you like heads over heels.  OR you are actively looking out in the job market.  OR you are now in that long-term relationship.  OR you're into business. Regardless, Do You Play NOT To Loose❓❓❓

That's the scary part.  If ever you play NOT to lose, if things go right [which you hope and pray], PLAYING NOT TO LOSE may mean that either in school, your grades neither improved nor worsened OR your chances of wooing that 'girl of your life' didn't become either dimmer or brighter OR in your job interviews, you were not down rejected but you were not chosen either.  OR in business, your coffers remained similar as in the past๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

In a worst case scenario [which will NOT be far-fetched if everYou Play NOT To Lose, losing when it's GAME OVER may just happen.  WHY?  Precisely, the culprit is the fact that you didn't PLAY to WIN.  By lowering your goals, conversely, you
LOWERED your chances of achieving higher results simply because you didn't aim high enough as part of your goal๐Ÿ’ง

So, what's our deal?  Please Do NOT Play NOT To Lose because that direction is what will dictate your motivational level.  And it's human nature wherein we are pushed only as far as we want ourselves to be pushed.  If all you want is a 'just enough' push, then you need to brace yourself for a 'just enough' result.  NEVER expect optimized chances of garnering the GOLD because you set your goal to achieve a BRONZE➰➰➰

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