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Sunday, August 7, 2022

That 'HAIL MARY' Shot

That 'HAIL MARY' Shot

No sirs, today's piece is NOT about religion at all.  Instead, we'd like to spend a bit of our Sunday time to look back at those times when we were in a such state of DESPERATION such that we'll do anything including throwing desperately That 'HAIL MARY' Shot regardless of the probability you making the shot or not.  BTW, such is life, there were times in the past [and even possibly in the future] where everything will be DEJA VU for you.  But c'mon, let's take a step back for now and ask ourselves, do we really need to take that DESPERATION 'HAIL MARY' Shot?
We DON'T need to look far.  When this more than two-year pandemic struck us hard, many of us, especially the lower strata of society, were the hardest hit of its impact.  And both in the media and surely within your communities, we heard or read very 'desperate' situations especially in early 2020 when the pharma companies had yet to complete their R&D and successful production of vaccines.  How many lives were lost.  As of last count, we did witness 6.4 million deaths across, a number that was depressing enough to trigger DESPERATION.
Allow me to even borrow this poster from CBN Asia because obviously DESPERATE times would tend to lead us to DESPERATE moves, and of course, with prayers as the very last straw we tend to cling, hoping that while clutching that very last straw, it won't snap and cause us to drop dead in that abyss. Now, let's clear up the mixed up air.  Do we really need to take that 'HAIL MARY' Shot when we are in that desperate situation?  The answer is a clear and loud YES but with a qualifier though.  Ensure that you are into that precipice of failing.
Ensure though that 'HAIL MARY' Shot you're about to take is your LIFESAVER no less and NOT something that will push you deeper in that deep morass.  It is a a huge blunder if that 'HAIL MARY' Shot you're about to take will push you from worse to worst.  Remember that if you're successful with that 'HAIL MARY' Shot, that should be the ultimate 'GAME-CHANGER'.
On a lighter note, we got to take this poster seriously.  Taking a deep breath and grabbing a cup of coffee will do wonders to snap the 'vicious streak'. streak'. And whether you are at the workplace or in your entrepreneurial activities, when you are in an extreme situation that approximates a desperate scenario, consider taking a SABBATICAL and you can take that respite for a year or more.  Bottom-line is you're able to rise up and recover even if it will take you to go for a  'HAIL MARY' Shot❗❗❗

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