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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Will You OR Won't You ?

 Will You OR Won't You ?

Good morning and have a weekend keeping our families shielded from this pandemic.  Oh, I love this 'stairway to heaven' because behind the caricature, it shows us the obvious, that is, how we humans can turn simple things that compleXXX.  This should be just akin to tossing a coin, simply a heads or tail thing but because of our propensity to complicate things, the more we get befuddled.

We could nothing but one task on hand or we could be having ten, eleven tasks all in one go.  But does that matter ?  At the end of the day, it is simply getting things done but if you want to be tough to yourself, then take that 'staircase' decision-making and I'll bet.  You will likely vacillate between 'I want to do it' versus BUT 'How do I do it?'.

Fact of life is, there are many corners to turn along the way and your decision at those crossroads can just either veer you away from the path or it assures that you will 'stay the course'.  To 'stay the course', it seems like a no-brainer but it's not.  A lot of us get off-tracked in those junctions but the challenge here is that you won't be aware that you are already off-tracked, not until you get hit by the consequences of that 'off-track' decision.  By that time, it's just too late in the day to change course.

So, how can we avert getting off-tracked? We might sing the usual hossanah like getting your priorities right BUT isn't it almost all of us do have our respective priorities ?  Yet we still end off-tracked.  So, what's the trick in here ?  Everything is hidden in the 5-letter trick spelled which is F-O-C-U-S.  That's all.  Looks simple BUT it's not.  Why ?  Because getting focused to your priorities needs you to beckon all your self-discipline and consistency.  Worse, you got to shield yourself from all distractions in this very disruptive topsy-turvy world.

And while eagles stand out as they are proven to have the best excellent long-distance vision, we humans shouldn't harp on our vision as an excuse because that just doesn't matter.  What matters is our F-O-C-U-S.  As long as it doesn't get snapped or distracted, you remain glued to your priorities and that helps you to 'stay the course'.

Yes dude, you got it.  You got the grits to grind and get focused but until you hit the finish line and reap the honors you deserve, even when you 'stay the course', you gotta eke it out, dude.  It won't be a 'walk in the park'.  You got to earn your spurs and 'kick and kick your ass damn hard' till you deliver the goods.  Get tough on you because you can do it.

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