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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Are You 'Checking all the Boxes' ?

Are You 'Checking all the Boxes' ?

From the time we first plunge into real life [after school], that's the time we got that chance to be learning through the fire hose.  For the pampered and protected ones, they prefer the velvet gloves rather than the rough and tumble world across the ground.  Too bad, these are the pampered ones who probably grew with a silver spoon on their mouth.  For the hardened lot, those who went through the wringer, they are were cut and ready for all these.

Are you 'checking all the boxes' ?  As in any endeavor, even in sports [e.g. NBA] when the recruiter is evaluating candidates for a role, even before they decide to arrange for an interview with the candidate, on paper, they wanna see if the candidate is 'checking all the boxes', meaning, if on paper, are you already meeting all the pre-listed criteria and pre-qualification requirements even before you can reach the 1st round of screening.

Are you 'checking all the boxes' ?  As in any endeavor, even in sports [e.g. NBA] when the recruiter is evaluating candidates for a role, even before they decide to arrange for an interview with the candidate, on paper, they wanna see if the candidate is 'checking all the boxes', meaning, if on paper, are you already meeting all the pre-listed criteria and pre-qualification requirements even before you can reach the 1st round of screening.  

For the role you're aspiring for, what's in your sales pitch ?  What are your selling points ?  Skills and competencies, obviously to meet the job role's needs.  What comes next ?  Your accountability, attitude, diligence, energy, self-motivation which, when all are summed up, it all boils down to WORK ETHICS.   
Question is, are you 'checking all the boxes' ?  What does all these tell us ?  That even at work or in your business, the proven formula is all encapsulated and summed up in your WORK ETHICS.  Which means, there's no other way for us to go.  If you want your career or your business to "go up north", you gotta 'check all the boxes'.
Not to be complacent. You may not be job hunting now.  You may not be in dire straight.  Nevertheless, you need to ensure that you always 'check all the boxes' because when your need arises, everything goes back full circle, nitpicking each of your attributes and traits but if you're a damn good product, it won't be a tough job for the next salesmen to pick you up as their next product as long as you 'check all the boxes' ✅✅✅

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