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Monday, April 5, 2021

Don't Break the Bank !

Don't Break the Bank !

These days, everyone has one too many priorities, one too many MUST-DO's, MUST-HAVEs, MUST-BUYs.  So what's next ?  Do what's best based on your best judgment but here's the non-negotiable caveat:  DON'T BREAK the BANK, please.  Unless and except you are part of the top tier lording over our commercial markets, then please DON'T BREAK the BANK.  Too bad, there's this basic economics mantra that when demand dives, prices dive as well. And that's when the monied investors 

will gobble up properties now priced at least 20-30% less than the pre-pandemic market.  But that's fine with them because even if they lose out in those greedy buy-outs, whatever they will lose will just be a drop in the bucket.  But such is not case for 98% of our population where we're either part of the working class or we're just owning small proprietorships so if and when you that temp arises, DON'T BREAK the BANK.

Obviously, it is easier said than done.  But the thing is, it is what it is.  In this very stubborn pandemic, only God knows when this will be over and the scary and speculative note here is that, before this gets over, this has to turn worst, much worse than where we are now.  And when that piggy-bank gets filled up, just human nature, we may be soon tempted to  BREAK the BANK.  With the end not in sight now, it cannot be avoided that quite a 
number of even our relatives and/or closest friends may now be feeling the ramifications of the financial crunch that has exacerbated after a year in this pandemic.  And don't get me wrong here.  By human nature, helping is part of our natural inclination.  We have seen accidents happen in the road and people will rush to help in any way the injured ones.  BUT this pandemic is unprecedented.  Unlike other 
fiascos, emergencies and unknowns that have indeed happened in our lives, surely for almost all of us, this is the very first time we got caught flat-footed by this pandemic.  So how do we cope with it ? It all boils down us asking ourselves how fit and ready are we to survive the worst of the worst scenarios ever.  
Now for the tough test, I'll share with these recommendations for us to hue:  ENGAGE in NON-DIGITAL activities, AVOID reading forwarded and unreliable information [even if it comes from people you know because they themselves were in the receiving end too, TAKE CARE of your LOVED ONES and that starts with your IMMEDIATE FAMILY.  Let's hope for the best but prepare for the worst folks.❗❗❗

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