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Thursday, April 15, 2021

WHAT IF You're Not Prepared for 'WHAT IF'

WHAT IF You're Not Prepared for 'WHAT IF' 

Lines are everywhere.  How I wish all are straight lines, if only to make like simpler. Too bad, there are just one too many WHAT IFs.  From the wavy, to the curvy, to the punch line, to the broken line and that's even skipping diagonals, horizontals, name it. That saga about lines is just analogous to our life because instead of a straight path, quite often, we end up in various turns.

Which brings us back full circle to the chess game.  Inevitable indeed to go back to the chessboard because life has as much iterations as the chess game itself.  Without going into the seeming complexities in chess, we gotta realize that life is ten-fold much more complex than chess.  Why ?  Because ours are real life scenarios where sometimes we are bordering between success or failure, walking that fine line.  
Question for us:  are we prepared without preparing for the WHAT IF scenarios ?  Surely we'll fall flat when such exceptions do happen.  Why ?  Because you get caught flat-footed.  Because you didn't provide for contingencies.  Because you were just living on a single dimension, that is, a single assumption that things will go your way.

In any 'unknown' that pops-up, the ramifications will be dependent in the way you handle things during those 'pop ups'.  Worst, if you were not in control during those moments, whatever chaos prevailing that time might end up in pandemonium.  Not because the 'unknown' evolved but it's because we didn't run a 'damage control' to contain the impact that eventually hit us.
To quote Bruce Bochy, the famous French-American  baseball player: "if you're not prepared, it's not pressure you feel, it's fear".  Exactly, and fear is worst unknown because when fear creeps in, even our judgment gets impacted.  And as the dominos get tipped, panic creeps in.  God knows what happens next.  LESSON HERE ?  Be prepared for all possible WHAT IFs.

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