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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

MAKE SURE You Add a Cherry on Top !

MAKE SURE You Add a Cherry on Top !

Prior to this pandemic, every add-on you wanted means you got to fork more $$$.  With more than a year with this pandemic when businesses are severely hit, businessmen have become innovative in their come-ons.  Those milk teas ?  They will now offer Xtra pearls for free ?  Other add-ons, you can get it for a song.  Why things can become this so enticing ? 

It's because it's 'crunch time', man.  During the hard, difficult times, things get tighter, roads get narrower, belts need to be tightened, loose ends need to be tied up.  And if you need to take risk to recoup the lost financial opportunities, you won't think twice to throw your lot.  And if someone offers you an opportunity based on a contract that, even on paper, looks so onerous, surely you would grab it without the slightest alacrity.  Humans behave exactly that way.  When you are in dire straits, all you want is to survive.

And since you've got fuel in your tank, that's all that is left on your deck of cards and if you have to ace things up, surely you're willing to empty the tank if it leads you for a homerun.  That's the QUID PRO QUO, that give and take in life.

In real life, a QUID PRO QUO is simply a give and take.  I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.  I'll part off with whatever is left in my pockets if I can expect something in return.  And that's fine.  And that's ethical and morally correct as well especially when you're in SURVIVAL mode.  And getting into this nerve-wracking pandemic when anxiety and mental health is getting into our skin, if it takes to GIVE and TAKE, go for it.  Sure, I can scratch your back as long as you scratch mine too.  When it is survival time, if you have to be shrewd, so be it.
When things become dicey, kinda go for broke, that's when all hell will break lose.  Those will be the trying times that will separate the men from the boys and for the men left still eking it out, it will be the last man standing.  And even in a worst case scenario, you end up with a fumbling act, that's just fine because you will end up fighting with your teeth down to the very buzzer of the game with your head unbowed. ✅✅✅

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