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Friday, April 9, 2021

Just Ignore Any Chatter and Noise

Just Ignore Any Chatter and Noise

The world we live in is a totally chaotic cacophonous topsy-turvy world and any less disciplined soul can quickly get drowned by all those chatter and noise.  Caveman's days are way back pre-historic era.  Silo's are Post-war relics.  Lighthouses are the seafarer's navigational aids more than anything else.  Everyone else ?  We live in     
a dissonant, deafening and discordant global community where decibels of chatter and noise are way beyond thresholds.  So, what's next for us ?  Well, we gotta be discerning and precise to filter what is the valid noise versus the invalid noise.  BTW, even if you congregate with your best friends, not all the chatter and noise will be valid. Gotta filter it

Not to advertise Qualcomm but this is one palpable explanation why we need to filter things out in life.  Noise cancelling and reduction technologies are all over the market precisely because chatter and noise has just gotten way out of hand.  No one can just handle it anymore.  So technology intervenes.  But in our lives ?  I'm sorry, we cannot leverage on technology for our lives to filter the chatter and noise.  Like when you reconvene in a mini-reunion with your classmates from way back, many interchanges will be valid ones BUT there will be an equal number of unnecessary chatter and noise.

It's a given that clutter increases anxiety.  And if we're talking about cluttered noise and chatter, that equally raises anxiety as well.  To complicate things, factor-in social media.  And the end-result is ?  It's bedlam and chaos of untold proportions.  And there's no quick fix but prior to fixing it, we gotta recognize and acknowledge that such chatter and noise does exist.

Think of that irony when you want to reconnect with your long lost friends or your classmates from yesteryears but by the time the team does meet up, what do we see ?  Everyone is so damn busy with their gadgets, whew !  Isn't this too ironic? These days, we don't distribute soundbites to create a reaction, right ?  But thing about how intrusive and disruptive social media is.  So please, do ignore all these CHATTER and NOISE, at least, until the dust settles down ❗❗❗

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