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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Have You Learned the 'RIGHT READS" ?

Have You Learned the 'RIGHT READS" ?

Sometime back, we talked about BODY LANGUAGE, how it can be a powerful tool we can leverage.  But it doesn't end up there.  Learning the "RIGHT READS" is another conduit to equip and aid us even way before we get into decision points in life.  But learning the "RIGHT READs" offers us much more challenging points to overcome because more often, it becomes a judgment call as you walk that fine line between what could be the 'RIGHT READs' or the 'WRONG READ'.

Don't get me wrong, we're not asking you to be a volume reader.  In fact, you don't need to read because the hell of 'RIGHT READs' we need to learn are not literally readable but instead, this entails us to deep dive even beyond ground level because as the cliche goes, 'God is in the detail'.  In real life, when someone is spewing a mouthful, more often, we don't even need to read between the lines but instead, we just need to 'read the lines'.    

It's for us to pick those 'low hanging fruits' because more often, it entails minimal effort but here's the catch.  Picking up the 'RIGHT READs' expects us to be extra discerning.  And that means, 'reading the lines' and finding the 'RIGHT READs' when the handwriting is all over the wall.  The risk here is missing those 'RIGHT READs' because those misses will become huge missed opportunities.  And God knows the ramifications once we miss out those 'RIGHT READs'.
When you want something as bad as you wanna breath, that's when you will find your way.  It doesn't take you to be talented or gifted.  You don't even need to be the most intelligent.  DON'T let external factors control you.  Instead, you gotta be in control of your life because life won't give you anything but if you make it, no one can take it away from you because at

 the end of the day, what counts is hard work and tenacity.  The worst faux pas in life is if you're looking for a way out.  But if you put yourself in a position of change, you know you can do it but you just wanna do it.  Once you get into that vicious cycle, you may end up with an excuse to tell yourself that you'll do something the next day, the next week till you would have gone kaput.  But the $64 question for you, for us, is this:  Do we agree that we can't remain the same ?  That we gotta evolve ?  That to evolve is more than just changing ?  As the cliche goes, 'change is good' but the question that may stomp you and me is this:  are you changing for the right reasons ?  Or are you changing just to please other people ?  Oh c'mon.

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