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Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

Happy Safe Sunday.  It's another Sunday that's supposedly a lazy day but we can't be lazy enough, what with this pandemic hounding us for more than a year now.  And this brings me to this [overdue] realization that, indeed, there's this CIRCLE OF LIFE, that inevitability that everything in our life comes around full circle.  You could be at the height of your success and power but, as in physics, when you're up, there's no way to go but down.  Conversely, if you hit rock bottom, there's no way to go but up.  The $64 question is what else should we be doing if this is the inevitability we will all face in life anyway.  We can't lose by default simply because of this given.

Question is, is there anything else we can and should do ?  A lot, a hell lot in fact.  Let's paint this scenario when we are at the zenith of our lives, enjoying all the fruits of our labor.  Obviously, we should enjoy those moments, even with cheers and kampai.  But not for long though.  Do put a cap to all the kampai's.  It can't go nonstop and UNLI.  Why ?  Hmmm, we got to prepare come the rainy days.  Even if you've readied your 'raincoats and umb rellas' in life, preparing for the rainy day is more than just that.

And, unfortunately, preparing for the upcoming rainy days in life can't be that just effortless.  You gotta put your focus in it, plotting not just Plan A and Plan B but even a Plan C [at the very least].  Why ?  Ummp, we gotta hue over to Murphy's Law which says 'anything that can go wrong will go wrong'.  In a nutshell, always inject that 'WHAT IF' condition in our lives.

And as we lord it over when everything in life is good, let's learn the rudiments of 'contingency'.  WHAT IF a heavy rain suddenly pours ?  WHAT IF a strong typhoon comes ?  WHAT IF your very own location gets hit by the 'eye of the storm' ?  How can you kick-in your contingency plan if there's very little wiggle room for you to flex your muscles ?  These are perplexing real-life scenarios which we'd rather prepare for [even when the 'sun is still shining']. Heard of people stranded waist-deep in the middle of unabated floods even if precipitated by just a sudden downpour? That happens in our life too.
Not to forget that we are most energized and endlessly motivated when we're 'UP THERE' savoring our success or at least the good things in life.  So, you better GRAB that window of opportunity for you to plot your Plan A, B and C.  And DON'T ever forget we need that 'long rope' to which we will cling to when the strong typhoon ravages our life.  To BE PREPARED is to BE READY for whatever comes into our life.  There are no excuses for us to fail ✅✅✅

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