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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

How Motivated Are You in Life ?

 How Motivated Are You in Life ?

Ask any Tom, Dick and Harry.  Is he motivated ?  Absolutely you will hear a chorused response of 'OF COURSE'.  And I just won't doubt the truthfulness of such responses because by nature, we humans are motivated.  And frankly, even the 'lazy dogs' are motivated.  Motivated ?  Yesirreee, even 'lazy dogs' are motivated to be 'lazy dogs'.  So, let's not get caught with a roundabout discussion whether one is motivated or not because everyone is.  Instead, let's dissect this motivation further.

But c'mon, flip the calendar because the next day is a Monday.  Monday ? Oh c'mon.  suddenly, temps go down, energy levels simmer down, the adrenalin suddenly evaporates in thin air.  What is wrong with Monday for temp levels and energy levels all go down ?  Let's blame the calendar because Monday means it's the start of another week-long 'calvary'.  Oh really ?

Yes, either you need to catch that elusive motivation or that will just elude you no end.  It is that tricky because many of us just take this in stride, taking it that motivation is just there, off-the-shelf.  But it's not there

Take this motivation by FEAR.  Anywhere between 10-80% at any given time, FEAR motivates us to whatever it takes.  And studies have shown that motivation by FEAR is damn effective at 80%.  The 20% shortfall is attributed to the inferior outcome a.k.a. quality defects.  So, the damning question is, why can't we just implement MOTIVATION by FEAR across the spectrum? No way, Jose.  Not for the long-run, not for the long haul.  Because motivation by FEAR 'kills'.  It 'kills' the health, it kills the kindred soul.  No takers for MOTIVATION by FEAR.

And how is MOTIVATION by INCENTIVE? Oh, i luv it, luv it, luv it because that's $$$.  And studies have proven that motivating via incentives have achieved a 90% hit rate but where is it now.  Oh no, it badly hits the P&L.  Finance was not buying into this.  It's hitting hard the books and no amount of accounting window-dressing can cover-up the extent of financial incentives dangled just to motivate 'lazy dogs'.  Finance folks were all in a consensus that MOTIVATION by INCENTIVE is NOT the way to go, not by a long shot either.

So, what works ?  It is MOTIVATION by ATTITUDE.  And I can attest to this proven formula whenever I remember that test of a barracuda in an aquarium.  Once we get motivated by our attitude, getting into 'auto pilot' mode becomes a no-brainer.  Why ?  Since you are self-driven, the effort comes out instantaneously and once you achieve the result, you tend to get that sense of fulfillment, that sense of achievement.  C'mon, let's get MOTIVATED by ATTITUDE ❗❗❗

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