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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Here Comes the World's MOST POWERFUL Language !

Here Comes the World's MOST POWERFUL Language !

Here's my $64 riddle.  What is the world's MOST POWERFUL LANGUAGE ?  English?  Nope.  Russian?  Ngek.  Chinese?  No way, COVID.  Time is UP.  It's BODY LANGUAGE folks!  For the longest time, no language can beat it black and blue.  As this poster goes, 'BODY LANGUAGE IS LIKE AN ICEBERG.  90% OF WHAT IS UNSAID LIES UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE'.
Oh c'mon, here's another dude who insists that programming languages are the most powerful ones because they are now lording it all over the place, in our connected world.  Hmmmmm, well, how to disagree with this discourse because indeed the techies have taken over the global trade and marketplace but oh no, I won't turn my back on BODY LANGUAGE being the most powerful one!

In terms of recency, no one beats Former US President Donald Trump in his four years in the White House.  To see him, whether in Photo-Ops or Off-cam shots, he is one of the living proofs of body language.  Take this shot of President Trump with Pakistan PM Imran Khan.  It's just picture-perfect to know who's stronger, more dominant, aggressive, name it, you got it all in this shot.

Former US FL , Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is another 'class act'.  You don't have to look far as to who's dominant, domineering and daunting.  In hard-ball negotiations, she'll be the front act and it's curtains down.  So, during this pandemic, forget all those language online schools offering eye-popping discounts.  You can learn the world's MOST POWERFUL LANGUAGE by honing on the sound fundamentals, pronto.

Oh BTW, what's going on for more than a year on with this pandemic?  Almost everyone of us are locked-in online, right?  Oh what about those arguments and debates?  Hmmmm, 99% are running online too, real-time in fact.  So who means those online jousts?  Sorry folks, there's barely a runaway winnah! Why?  Because most protagonists get so locked-in with verbals than with non-verbals.  Had they turned on their cams and argue online nary a single word to be typed, we would have easily figured it out who'll be the runaway winnah.
Oh everyone would miss this, badly.  Those breaks from class or from work, where everyone will rush to the cafeteria but even before they could grab a coffee, each one seems to be hostaged by their gadgets.  BUT, but don't get glued with their gadgets. Instead, dissect their body language. Can you figure out who's the active versus the laidback?  The giver versus the taker  The trailblazer versus the laggard?  
So, where do you start to pick up your sound fundamentals?  Firstly, do you know that person inside-out?  Better be sure because studies show that only 50% know welll enough their partner inside-out.  That explains why a partner [wrongly] thought the other half is soft?  Submissive?  Timid?  Not until when all hell broke loose.  Too late the hero.  So, better get your fundamentals sound enough before the waters get rough. ðŸ“ŒðŸ“ŒðŸ“Œ

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