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Saturday, November 9, 2024

Why VISION Tops Them All

Why VISION Tops Them All

Less often but still happening, we are sometimes asked:  WHY ARE WE HERE?  And... WHERE do we see ourselves in life?  YES, we are all here with a specific purpose BUT what helps us move and direct our purpose is our VISION.  So, Why VISION Tops Them All?  For multifarious reasons, VISION gives us direction and a glimpse over our life to make our goals and purpose come into fruition and become realities📗📙📘

With that VISION, we expect our purpose in life to be that crystal clear and expectedly, life becomes simpler and meaningful [as long as you stick to that VISION].  Indeed, it is important to have a VISION and purpose because it actually controls and makes our decisions, which ultimately creates our lifestyle💦💦💦

Do we know that VISION chooses our friends?  Heard of that cliche, TELL ME WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE, I'LL TELL WHO YOU ARE.  Fact is, people are attracted and spend time with people WHO have VISION and WHO are disciplined in their VISION.  We normally DON'T hang or associate ourselves with people WHO DON'T know WHERE they are headed in life, at least NOT for too long because of the time that is being wasted.  And let us be honest that it is [quite] mentally draining and frustrating being around people WHO DON'T understand WHERE they want themselves to be OR HOW to get there.  And when I come across them first-hand, I commiserate with them💧💧💧

One of the greatest thing about VISION is, once you realize your VISION, you will slowly detach yourself from people WHO you can perceive as NOT fitting into your VISION and instead, you will align with people WHO do.  Truth is, no one will be able to fulfill one's PURPOSE alone because one's purpose is bigger than oneself at the moment and that is the intended purpose.  And the great thing about PURPOSE is, it will benefit and help you in your room to learn and grow in your PURPOSE and in your VISION as well✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  If there's one surprising consequence of VISION, it is the fact that VISION decides HOW we spend our time.  Those we spend our time are, generally, connected to our VISIONIF our VISION is that important to us, the time we spend pursuing it will reflect it.  This principle is quite simple enough BUT since it is this simple, sometimes we tend to make it complicated.  In essence, your crystal-clear VISION can be your "TIME MANAGER", cajoling and reminding you NOT to waste your time on activities and people NOT aligned with your VISION.  This explains WHY VISION TOPS THEM ALL💥💥💥

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