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Saturday, November 23, 2024



Often, we would hear that LIFE is WHAT happens WHEN you're busy making other plans.  You can have an idea in your head of HOW you want things to go, BUT that DOESN'T mean the world will listen.  Factually, some things are unpredictable and YES, sometimes, some things just DON'T work out [and it's frustrating].  To throw a monkey wrench in our chaotic world, sometimes, even grief puts our world in slow motion.  And sometimes your life flashes before your eyes when a part of it ends.  And sometimes, it feels like the world has been flipped over, as if Earth has grown tired of spinning.  BUT hey, as they say, There Is LIFE WITHIN LIFEπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

YES, as the popular therapist says, some things are OUT of our control and some things just CAN'T be changed.  That's why therapists do interject RADICAL ACCEPTANCE, for us to focus on the things we do have control over even WHEN it's hard.  In fact, we're counselled that in difficult times, ACCEPTANCE is the first step towards healing.  Whether it should be the first step OR not is immaterial but we need to understand that ACCEPTING something DOESN'T mean you like it and it DOESN'T mean you're NOT working to change itπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

YES, things DON'T always work out the way you expect.  And while it's true I had my fair share of opportunities of hobnobbing with Tier-1 and Tier-2 folks, I did go through the wringers in life, struggling and surviving to eke out WHAT's left of me.  If there's one thing I squarely disagree, it's this reasoning that WHEN it comes to people WHO struggle financially, some say it's their fault, that they're lazy, weak, that they deserve to be poor.  BUT that's farthest from the truth.  You could be financially stable now and living a stable life BUT when lightning strikes, like when you get hit with serious health issues, knock on wood, you could quickly run out of options in containing that situationπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

And WHEN does LIFE WITHIN LIFE kicks in?  That's WHEN the safety nets in LIFE do kick in.  And with a support structure from within your family circle, that will be a 'shot in the arm'.  And third world cultures seem built for this.  BUT how many of us can lean on such support structures?  Especially in the western world where cultures dictate upon each one to be standing on their own feet even way before they even reach the legal age of 18πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Our takeaway:  LIFE should not and NEVER be in 'auto pilot'.  Surely, you'll hit those bumps and humps and WHAT matters is how you handle and manage such outliers from unexpected fallouts.  That's when you need that 'shot in the arm' to inject LIFE WITHIN LIFE.  WHY?  Because LIFE CAN'T and SHOULDN'T go standstill.  LIFE has to go on.  You CAN'T get stuck regardless if all the cards are stacked because THERE IS LIFE WITHIN LIFE [you DON'T want to lose by default, dude]😊😊😊

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