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Thursday, November 28, 2024

How Do We 'GET OVER'?

How Do We 'GET OVER'?

True, life is hard.  Difficult and unwanted things happen to us.  Sadly, human nature WHEN we find ourselves in a challenging situation, our instinct is to wish it away because it is unpleasant at the very least.  And then, we often want to rush to the point WHEN our troubles NO longer cause us discomfort.  BUT the question that keeps bugging us is this:  How Do We 'GET OVER'?  The answer is simple enough and that is, you need to get over it, head-onπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

And BTW, to face it head on, it's NO rocket science.  First and foremost, you got to gather all your fortitude [and gumption] to face it. There's just NO other way [else you might even run away from that situation].   Once you're LOCKED IN, then MAKE A PLAN.  WHILE you DON'T know WHAT is going to happen in the future, you can always PLAN ahead.  Look at the patterns in your life and see WHAT challenges you struggle withπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

At that point, it becomes imperative to assess the optimal outcomes and make a PLAN for HOW you can achieve them.  And if you work somewhere and you can anticipate the types of challenges you may face, then you can PLAN ahead from thereon.  BTW, this happens to us all.  You have a TIME MANAGEMENT issue, then, it's fairly simple for you to embrace and acquire the sound fundamentals of PLANNING your time even via calendar management.  Frankly, to heal and address the hardships we have at hand, we need to face them.  And HEALING happens WHEN we allow ourselves to go through WHAT we are going through [and NOT ignore them]πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

True, facing head-on the challenges we have may seem daunting initially BUT then that is a crucial step forward.  Maintaining the STATUS QUO is not acceptable OR worst, circumventing the challenge by avoiding it will NEVER resolve and close it.  WHAT do we gain from this NOT so palatable approach?  WHEN we confront our difficulties instead of avoiding them, we gain valuable insights about ourselves and discover our strengths.  It's akin to forging steel through the fire as our hardships would definitely shape us into stronger and wiser individuals.  And in the face of the adversity, embracing the reality of WHAT we are going through instead of pushing it away is the key for us to emerge stronger, if NOT unscathedπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Our takeaway:  Challenges can get too tough to handle when emotions get into the mix.  And if we attempt to suppress our emotions, rather than allowing them to flow out, that can lead to them piling up inside of us.  Studies do support cases WHERE people WHO faced trauma may try to suppress such unpleasant emotions as a coping mechanism to deal with overwhelming feelings BUT experts tell us, such suppression can lead to worsening our mental and physical health.  Bottom line is, let's be firm that WHATEVER IT IS, we can GET OVER ITπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

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