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Saturday, November 2, 2024

Is Hitting ROCK BOTTOM Bad OR Good?

Is Hitting ROCK BOTTOM Bad OR Good?

Is Hitting ROCK BOTTOM Bad OR Good?  Before I get bashed with that question, allow me to pre-empt your 'needles & arrows' by declaring up front that everyone of us [YES, that includes moi] dread to talk about the ROCK BOTTOM, much more for us to hit ROCK BOTTOM.  BUT, let me ask this blunt question?  WHO has NOT hit ROCK BOTTOM, yet?  I can bet, we won't see a show of hands here.  WHY?  Simple.  It's because no can claim any form of immunity from hitting ROCK BOTTOM.  NOT Jeff Bezos WHO got divorced with his wife [with whom he started his rag tag business right from their car garage].  NOT Bill Gates and Melinda Gates WHO crossed paths way back in 1987 and whose marriage also ended in a divorce years ago.  NOT Jack Ma whose Alibaba conglomerate's market value rose up to US$ 193.9 Bn. as of May 2024.  Yet, where is Jack Ma?  NOT in China.  NOT crossing continents.  Last year, he was last reported as a visiting professor in Japan.  Beyond that, our lips are sealed [to be safe]πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

I myself, I was NEVER shielded from hitting ROCK BOTTOM and as much as NEVER wanted it to happen, in all transparency, I'll admit with a clean chest that I would NOT be today had I not hit ROCK BOTTOM NOT because hitting ROCK BOTTOM unearthed the untold formula to lead me towards success in my endeavors.  NOT because by hitting ROCK BOTTOM, it was part of my detoured plan after all.  Now, you might think I'm crazy to say this BUT I have to hit ROCK BOTTOM [again], in a heartbeat, for the incredible sights and growth through WHAT was definitely the 'DARKEST NIGHTS' [which I thought I CAN'T hurdle]πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

BUT here's the BIG BUT.  Like in any good adventure, it's only worthwhile if you come back having learned some SOLID LESSONS and with the wisdom to share from having survived the fall [or maybe, several falls].  And so, with twenty-twenty hindsight, please allow me to share WHY everyone of us should NOT be scared to hit ROCK BOTTOM

REFLECTION & REALISATION - Yes, I'll be candid to admit that WHEN you're down there at the 'GUTTER-level', you would realize HOW far off course you were, and that your life choices were simply NOT sustainable.  And in those darkest moment of despair that your anger and/or frustration is at an all-time high, you would be promising to yourself NEVER again to accept such level of mediocrity from yourself, AS IN, NEVER❎❎❎

YOUR DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORS - At that bottom part, all our DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORS are obviously UNMASKED [to our consternation, so obviously].  WHAT IF you DIDN'T hit ROCK BOTTOM?  I can be cocksure that all those DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORS would continue to go UNnoticed and worse, UNchecked, playing out under that 'DENIAL RADAR' and inevitably creating bigger dysfunctions and a harder fall down the track.  Until that bubble bursts, you would cleverly delude yourself into thinking that everything is just great [REALLY!@#$%?]

Our takeaway:  Allow me to quote this incognito poster that 'ROCK BOTTOM IS A BEAUTIFUL START'.  You might blurt out, WHAT'S SO BEAUTIFUL hitting ROCK BOTTOM?  Simple dude.  Tons of lessons hitherto previously masked would have been unearthed by then.  Trust me, I learned my lessons the hardest way and WHAT was the outcome?  My fortitude was reinforced.  My off-tracks were rectified.  My blind spots were unmasked, all paving the way to my SIMPLE ME todayπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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