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Friday, November 15, 2024

When Things Get DICEY

When Things Get DICEY

Have you had in the past, did you ever lost your cool and DIDN'T manage yourself very well?  YES, absolutely, to most of us, that could have happened.  WHEN we are angry OR stressed, we DON'T always react in the best possible way.   And that is quite unfortunate because many of those scenarios are NOT that too murky OR complicate to contain or manage a situation even if seems to be an outlier.  To really regret things, the outcomes and implications WHEN we lost control of our own self, our emotions, our anger, all these could be the confluence of events that could spiral into one hell of a hullaballoo WHEN in fact, if handled, there is nothing to Get DICEYπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

And before you know it, you feel you're on that dreaded edge, that precipice for a foul-up, if NOT a disaster-in-the making.  And to avert such a scenario, NOT to our liking BUT at times, that would prompt us to ROLL THE DICE, even if things are kind of iffy.  BUT rather us being reactive and get embroiled in ROLLING THE DICE, let us figure things out HOW to nip it in the bud, to avoid it in the first placeπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

So, let's go with the practical approach.  First and foremost, it pays that you are incisively sharp to detect the signs and symptoms WHEN you start to get worked up.  Those tell-tale signs like your heart rate increases, your chest tightens?  Sounds familiar.  It is because I've BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.  Once you notice those tell-tale signs, psychologists coined this term 'NAME IT TO TAME IT' wherein you would label your emotions as they're happening as that has the effect of taming the stress and anxiety in the brain and the body that the emotion is triggering.  Now, let's pull up things from our life experiences.  If you are able to take some deep breaths, step away and avoid reacting until you are in a better mindset, you'll surely be better off that wayπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Once you managed to have a fair control of the situation, assess as to WHAT you want to do OR say because you are angry OR stressed.  Maybe you feel like saying something mean OR snarky.  OR maybe YOU want to send a scathing email.  Rethink the underlying reasons WHY you want to do OR say [WHAT you want to do or say].  At that point, look at the potential ramifications, implications and consequences if you proceed to ROLL THE DICE and do WHAT you want.  Will taking that path offer you the much better direction?  If you go OFF on your co-worker, WHAT will happen?  To quote this one-liner, IF YOU WANT TO GATHER HONEY, DON'T KICK OVER THE BEEHIVE.   Think along these lines repeatedly before you decide to ROLL THE DICE, if at all. Alternatively, WHAT IF YOU DON'TWOULD your situation be worse than the status quo??? 

Our takeaway:  At the end of the day, ask yourself.  WHAT is it really you want to happen out of that situation?  Typically, you will find the answer once you closely examine and even estimate your initial response.  By then, you could even get a cue that you need to evolve things in such a way that doing things differently could either avoid a precarious outcome OR better still, if it will even lead you towards an improved situation thereafter.  Add a few intangibles like mindfulness as it could likely help increase your coping skills when getting embroiled in those situations.  Indeed, WHEN THINGS GET DICEYπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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