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Sunday, November 24, 2024



Surely, this has happened to each of us a couple of times in our life.  Just WHEN life seems to be going smoothly, a big, scary event comes along that threatens to ruin everything, in fact, throwing a monkey wrench in your otherwise normal looking life. Sadly, it could anything that seems earthshaking.  A frightening medical diagnosis, a relationship breakup, a financial crisis, the death of a loved one, a job loss.  All Those DISRUPTORS Called LIFEQUAKESπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So suddenly, in a moment, your life seems to have turned upside down WHEN you really least expected it.  I'm NOT sure about you BUT my own life story has been quite full of significant life changes over time.  Whether it's getting uprooted from your home country and trying to assimilate into a culture that was so foreign to you, OR just hitting rough financial straits [and that's besides a job loss [WHEN you are residing in foreign land], all those were recipes for LIFEQUAKESπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

YES, for me to go through all those major seismic and tectonic plate movements in my life, to admit that those were stressful times will be a gross understatement.  And as if we DON'T have enough of those LIFEQUAKES, that Covid-`9 Pandemic hit us all.  By today, we all know majority of us did survive it but there were a few unfortunate souls WHO did not survive the pandemic, sadly.  Coupled with other unpleasant surprises in life, sometimes you would dwell in disgust WHY LIFEQUAKES happenπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

YES, we need posters like this, to cheer us up, to remind us that WHEN the chips are down, first things first, let us pick up the pieces all over the place.  Indeed, I've come to this realization that learning to master all these LIFEQUAKES of daunting challenges may be the most crucial skill we need to reinforce within ourselves [and that's regardless of age].  BUT what matters to us today is HOW to navigate all these life DISRUPTORS called LIFEQUAKES as all these do strike us at the very core of our being.  YES, we feel scared, overwhelmed and stuck, leading to a 'MEANING CRISIS' [that feeling of MEANINGLESSNESS]😌😌😌

Our takeaway:  All these LIFEQUAKES can come in different forms and shapes BUT regardless, it will hit us hard, leaving us hard choices to make like leaving behind a bad marriage OR something that happens way beyond our control such as losing your job OR facing an illness.  BUT regardless of HOW it comes about, the key here is that the transition itself must be voluntary.  We must work to turn our fear and anxiety into something positive and preferably, life-affirming.  Borrowing the experts' jargon, we need to develop those 'TRANSITION' phases because in life, those phases DON'T always happen via straight lines and sometimes, the order and sequence is as chaotic as it can be.  THOSE DISRUPTORS CALLED LIFEQUAKES, yes, we need to grab the bull by its horns, dudeπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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