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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

SMALL Changes = BIG Impact

SMALL Changes = BIG Impact

We all want BIG BANG things.  We even want INSTANT things.  And as we get spoiled in life, if we had our way, NO way for small impact, NO thoughts for small changes.  BUT that's NOT the way life really works.  More often than not, even the best things in life come in drops and trickles.  And those BIG impacts and BIG BANG?  Yes, they do happen but once or twice in our life, if at all, if we're that fortunate.  YES, it's still feasible for SMALL Changes = BIG Impact📗📙📘

It's true, most of us, at some point in our life, we did ponder making CHANGES to improve some aspect of our life.  We might want to grow professionally OR improve our academic performance OR improve our health and immune system OR even improve our relationships.  We all desire to live in a meaningful way and modification of certain behaviors can help us realize this💢💢💢

YES, initially CHANGE might seem exciting and even easy WHEN we reflect on the potential benefits it will bring to our life.  However, WHEN it comes to 'walking the talk', sustainable behavior CHANGE is complex because it requires us to disrupt a current habit WHILE at the same time, fostering new and possibly unfamiliar ones.  This process takes time and usually takes longer than we would like.  Something as simple as drinking an extra glass of water a day can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to become a consistent and habitual behavior💦💦💦

Our most common mistake [and I'm one of those WHO went through these same mistakes over and over again in the past] is WHEN making CHANGES TOO MUCH TOO SOON.  We might think that if we make BIGGER CHANGES faster, we will see results sooner [BUT it can be undoubtedly exhausting], you might want to reconsider if it is the best time to launch into a new exercise routine OR begin training for a marathon.  Experts do advise us that making small, incremental improvements that take a few minutes per day is MORE effective and promotes more sustainable results than trying to make BIG changes all at once.  While these small changes may NOT always be noticeable, the impact they deliver over months and years can be significant enough💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  Let's start modestly enough by lurking for those LOW-HANGING FRUITS.  Start with one CHANGE that takes the least amount of effort and is enjoyable for you.  That will likely energize and motivate you to take more future CHANGES.  Consider this in tandem with a habit tracker, setting a goal for a tiny CHANGE you want to make and check it everyday you do it.  That helps measure your progress and identify hiccups if any.  Yesss, SMALL CHANGES equate to BIG IMPACT💥💥💥

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