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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

When Humans & Pets Interact

 When Humans & Pets Interact    

Apologies for this late posting today. It's been a tight day that was capped by visiting my first cousin and his family of lawyers.  But what enthralled me was not the success stories of my cousin's sons who have been consistently bemedaled academically till they became full-fledged lawyers.  But rather, I'd like to spend time to dissect the lessons we can learn from the interactions of humans and their pets.  Unfortunately, I'll bluntly state that not all people with pets can claim to have that appropriate level of interaction with their pets.  I still think that for humans and pets to reach that meaningful level, we as humans need to acquire that realization that the best cared pets can be as human as they can.  But it's not a twist of fate when we can have that 'human experience' from our pets.  In truth and in fact, it has got nothing to do with fate or its twists.

What insights can we pick up from the storybook success stories of humans and pets ?It all boils down to what comes in goes out.  Love begets love.  Care begets care.  Sweetness begets sweetness.  Feelings begets feelings.  Positivity begets positivity.  These are my insightful thoughts that vividly manifested during that short visit I had with my cousin and his family.  What this tells us is that everything starts from us, within us.  And what we give is what we get.

More than the love, care and concern, pets deserve the attention when it comes to their health and hygiene.  Note that we humans DON'T have a monopoly of vaccines.  Pets need it too.  Not surprisingly, when my nephew-lawyer called his papa from Singapore, the first reminder he gave his parents is not to miss the vaccination schedule of their fav pet dog.  How we give value to our pets is reflective of how we can expect to be valued by folks around us.

So, where's the beef ?  Hmmmm, we shouldn't look too far. Before we should be angling for the healthiest relationships with our partners, spouses and immediate family, the best validation of our fit is the state of health of our interaction with our pets.  If you're now reaping the appropriate attention from our spouse, partners and immediate family, credit should circle back to you because that says a lot.

And as much as we have witnessed how pets can be that intelligent, we should equally have the same expectations with our spouses, partners and family.  They are discerning enough and once there is a 'meeting of the minds', expect the spontaneous reciprocity between you and your spouse, partner or immediate family.  Point is, never belittle the capacity of others, pets included.  They could be a tough nut to crack if there is no 'meeting of the minds'.  But 'whenever the stars align', expect things to trickle-in with little effort expected.  Where there is a disconnect between humans, expect the same dilemma when we interact with our pets as well.  Just as dogs have been perenially tagged as man's best friend ever [long time before Faceook introduced that 'friend' function in their apps.

You may not believe this but it's a fact, even animals foster their relationships via team building exercises.  That explains that we humans have that exclusive opportunity to further foster our relationship closely [and that obsession, for lack of a better adjective] because we put forward our foot now will dictate whether our last step was good enough. From this day onwards, let us look upon our pets as humans as well, please.✅✅✅

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