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Tuesday, May 18, 2021



So sorry if I confused you.  Although we're all locked in this pandemic and everyone is in the midst of the frenzied vaccine needs, this piece is NOT about Covid vaccines but instead, this piece is all about our lives.  To move the needle means how can our life be meaningful, be impactful. Either as a student, as a businessman, as a worker or even our home-based family members, we got to endeavor to "MOVE THE NEEDLE". To "MOVE THE NEEDLE" could only be achieved in various shapes and forms for us to be recognized or impactful enough in our respective landscapes.  If you are hardly noticed either in business, in school, at work or even at home, we gotta "MOVE THE NEEDLE".
To "MOVE THE NEEDLE", it all boils down to PERFORMANCE and that PERFORMANCE METER, we all want it to swing over to the far right, that solid green indicator to confirm its EXCELLENCE.  To "MOVE THE NEEDLE" means our criteria should be tough and stringent.  Any performance that ends up either as GOOD or AVERAGE is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH because it has to be EXCELLENT.
A FORCEFUL move.  An EFFECTIVE move.  A STIRRING performance.  A ROUSING result.  A POTENT approach.  Or any result that is IMPACTFUL or EARTH-SHAKING and no less than that.  Those are the barometers for you to "MOVE THE NEEDLE".  BTW, to "MOVE THE NEEDLE" doesn't need that you have to deliver things beyond your capability.  You just need to grind and near-empty your fuel.
Question:  Why is it that the biggest majority of outputs, performance and results fall within the periphery of someone AVERAGE ?  It's because many of us are contented enough with AVERAGE results.  That "AVERAGE" mindset really pulls people's performance towards the AVERAGE band.  Why ?  Some argue that that's enough to survive.  But if plain survival is our motivation, that's just not good enough from any perspective.
All these, however, will never be easy to achieve.  You want to achieve BIGTIME, you gotta grind BIGTIME.  You gotta have MORE, you gotta exert MORE.  No free pass in that fast lane of life where only the 'CREAM of the CROP' will excel and prevail.  Further, the element of time creeps in.  That tree will never bear fruit overnight.  You gotta nurture that tree day-in day-out till it's ready to bear fruit.  Frustrations.  Failures.  Pain.  Tears.  These are the common experiences you have to endure.  Once you're able to "MOVE THE NEEDLE", I'll rest my case.📌📌📌

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