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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Sweeping It Under the Rug, Really ?

 Sweeping It Under the Rug, Really ?

Are problems damn stubborn ?  Not really.  It's we/us who are that stubborn.  When problems pop-up, we gotta solve it, right ?  Else, it won't die a natural death.  
You might challenge me with this:  For what use are the rugs and carpets ?  Oh oh, that's 'one kind of a question' indeed.  BTW, rugs and carpets are part of internal home accessories.  And it serves a purpose, e.g. it makes an area more comfy but problems should NOT be swept under the rugs and carpets, NOT AT ALL.

Wonder why it won't work that way ?  Simply put, the rug and carpet is a dead-end thing.  It's not even comparable to a sewerage where waste can flow through till it flows out.  Problems need to be dealt with.  Else, in due time it can become a monster of a problem.  Imagine if years back, you received a notification from IRS [in the US] or CRA [in Canada] or IRAS [in Singapore] for a tax payable of $300.  Ignore it, fine but years later, that could balloon to several thousands.  
Health problems are potential 'red flags' too.  DONT and DON'T wait for a recurring cough to go from bad to worse to worst.  Sweeping that minor-minor cough under the rug will not help.  Disputes.  Whether it be marital/conjugal disputes or commercial disputes, it's gotta be fixed at all costs.  Revisit that dispute decades later, I'll guarantee you it has become a monster of a problem not because it was a 'monster problem right at DAY-1'.
Way before this pandemic struck us all, we were all suffering from another epidemic tagged as PROCRASTINATION EPIDEMIC.  And even as we speak now, it's almost strangling our neck and when do we move our ass ?  Only when we're grasping for air to breath because we're more than just getting choked.  You could be 'NOT PANICKY' and so damn cool but that's only the periphery of things because deep inside your dark dungeon, a fire is now ablaze and before you know it, that fire will spread fast and quick like those bushfires in the wilderness of the Australian continent.
Lucky for us when a problem gives a die-die deadline.  Unfortunately, most problems DON'T publish or announce a deadline at all.  Here's how to deal with those 'no deadline' problems:
ACT to recognize that the problem does exist.
ACT to identify the problem's impact to you.
ACT to mitigate or contain the problem's impact.
ACT to come up with a concrete timeline.
ACT to follow the concrete timeline you laid out
ACT before your problem becomes a MONSTER.

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