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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Nail It Home !

Nail It Home !

Remember the first day of classes in school, you were so excited days before Day-1 ?  Remember your Day-1 at your new job where you were oozing with energy ?  Remember when you tied the knot, you were 'heels over head' to your partner ?  Remember when you finally had your first-owned business, you were on your feet almost round-the-clock ?  Remember when your life was at its lowest point, you were praying to all the Gods and saints [DON'T get wrong, nothin' wrong with that] ?  Remember when you saw your first-born child, your emotions were relentlessly overflowing ?

My, how time flies, really !  In a snap, that excitement has dissipated in thin air.  In a wink, the energy is all but spent.  In a snap, the overflowing emotions have simmered down.  In a moment, that fervor is gone, literally.  In a moment, the telco's network cell site has gone from full-bar to 1-bar.  In another time, the battery has gone from full strength to low-batt to a drained battery.  What the hell happened in that span of time ?

Such is life, very much akin to a lithium battery.  Regardless of it's full-strength straight from the factory floor, it will cycle down and needs to be recycled up via that recharging process.  That truism can't be farther in real life.   Nothing can be static.  Nothing is imprinted for life.  The steadfastness of our efforts is needed at the very least for us to survive this vicious cycle.

What's the antidote for all these ? You gotta swing for the fences, boy.  You gotta give it all, like it's your last trip to the baseball diamond.  DON'T assume that you'll have second chances.  DON'T assume that you'll catch a second wind. DON'T assume for a china man's chance again. DON'T assume that lady luck is always with you. DON'T assume that the sun will shine next day.  DON'T assume that you'll not run out of luck.

Thing is, ideally, values and habit formation start from our early childhood days but if that didn't happen [for whatever circumstances], it's NOT a show-stopper for you to declare that you won't NAIL IT HOME and HIT FOR A HOMERUN because it's too late in life.  That's a baloney to say the least.  Again, it's your mind playing tricks with you !

More often, in our failings, it's not because we didn't aim for what we need to achieve.  To be fair, most of us knew the goal[s] to achieve BUT there is a big BUT.  Along the way, there are disruptions and distractions BUT c'mon, those are the harsh realities in life.  We didn't expect to live the life of a monk up there in the monasteries in Nepal and the Himalayas where there is ZERO-disruptions and ZERO-distractions.  C'mon guys, let's NAIL IT HOME, let's HIT FOR A HOMERUN ❗❗❗

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