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Friday, May 7, 2021

Are You in a Carousel Ride ?

Are You in a Carousel Ride ?

Are you in a carousel ride ?  Yes we do, yes we are all in that carousel ride, and that will last our lifetime, like it or not.  No one ever falsely raised our expectations that we'll be onboard Elon Musk's SpaceX journeys.  Ours is a carousel ride, with lots of UPs but with more DOWNs where we get hit via those deep deep plunges into deep south.

Frankly, our life is our responsibility.  The LAND of the BRAVE and the HOME of the FREE is not even close to the truth [because people are grinding, struggling].  Complaining has no value.  If you complain not having enough money, let's work more, work harder.  Of course, we got hit with the pandemic but this is not the end of the world.  We have seen former pilots doing a career shift, flight attendants now cooking and selling food in front their homes [they don't need to rent a business space].

In memory of Alex Schachter, a teenage student who was killed in that shooting rampage in Parkland Florida last 2018 wrote this poem just before he got killed:  "LIFE IS LIKE A ROLLER COASTER.  IT HAS SOME UPS AND DOWNS.  SOMETIMES YOU CAN TAKE IT SLOW OR VERY FAST.  IT MAY BE HARD TO BREATHE AT TIMES BUT YOU JUST HAVE TO PUSH YOURSELF AND KEEP GOING".

In a nutshell, challenges are part and parcel of life.  It's unthinkable for one to be surprised facing challenges.  Instead, you should take on such challenges head-on till you run over them. Dan Pena, the $50 Billion Man said:  "YOU MUST BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOURSELF.  IF YOU DON'T HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE ENOUGH, YOU WILL COME UP WITH ALL THE REASONS WHY YOU CAN'T DO THIS OR THAT."

This poster captures it all.  In brief, have a purposeful life.  Find a purpose. if you have a purpose-driven life, it adds to your years.  if you are not akin to that 'KID EVERY DOOR', develop yourself to be that 'KID EVERY DOOR'.  This is an example of transformative learning when you find purpose and meaning in what you're doing.  With your passions in life, DON'T follow your passions.  Invest in your passions instead and be the best at it.  If you have to lose, rise up and never give up.  And if you do win, win even if its uglier in the mud.  YOU MADE IT THEN, dude.✅✅✅

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