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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Crack the Code !

Crack the Code !

Have you cracked the code [in life] yet ?  Is it feasible to crack the code within our lifetime ?  Hmmmm, literally speaking, cracking the code is more than just rocket science because that brings us into those 'cloak and dagger' scenarios.  So let's just discourse about cracking the code of our life and let's not venture beyond that.

Indeed, on the surface, it's just damn tough to crack the code of our life.  Many of fallouts we know in our life must have failed practically all throughout their lifetime till their lives just gave up on them.  But again, our path walk may be riddled with potholes [or worst, planted with landmines] but never lose sight of the spot you fell or failed because you gotta rise up from that fall and pick up the pieces to trudge on again.

Let's do pick things up from this poster that if it ain't rocket science, then it should not be difficult.  Precisely, point taken.  C'mon, let's NOT make a mountain out of a molehill.

On the other hand, think of our life as a jigsaw puzzle.  You pick up clues here and there, piece things together but DON'T force a square peg on a round hole because that won't work.  Take the cues in life, pick up lessons along the way.  To quote Former US First Lady Michelle Obama, what is important is not your failure but it's what you do after that.

On the other hand, let's NOT over-simplify things here.  Let's NOT falsely raise expectations because we'll end up on the wrong side of the road then.  Let's accept that life ISN'T easy and it WON'T be easy.  You'll fall flat on your face many times in your life, till you become battle-scarred [and probably with lingering scars embedded within to remind you that you went through the wringer.

Put it this way, for our mutual alignment.  Life can be simple but it's NOT that easy.  You gotta learn things the hard way.  A lot of PAIN, SWEAT and TEARS will need to be endured even before you can inch yourself forward BUT.  And here's the BUT.  Once you have that breakthrough in life, it's like a well-oiled machine that will go in full throttle to move you on the fast last.  C'mon, let's CRACK THE CODE, figure out how you'll eventually succeed in life.✅✅✅

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