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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Are You Out of the Woods Yet ?

Are You Out of the Woods Yet ?

I remember the poem by Robert Frost which goes this way: 'WHOSE WOODS THESE ARE I THINK I KNOW. TO WATCH HIS WOODS FILL UP WITH SNOW'. What a nostalgic and poignant realization of my Literature Class in school long time ago.  Which brings me to this next point.  When we do hit a problem, we're just so damn focus to find the right fix and apply it as quickly as possible.  But I have heard several 'horror' stories wherein the same problem comes back and haunts us even before the dust has settled down.

Supposedly, the dust is our very bellwether.  It should give us the cue, in fact, when our problem has been fixed.  But in this topsy-turvy world, be forewarned that even the dust can give us the mixed signals, indicating that a snafu has been fixed whereas the very problem is still lingering not within the surface but beneath the periphery.  So the question is, how can you be assured that when the dust settles, your problem has indeed been fixed ?  Simple folks.  Replicate it, simulate it, get into role plays.  If it's a scenario too complex to be simulated, pull yourself in one corner and play a devil's advocate by challenging the fixes you applied.  Run a 'STRESS TEST' with lots of 'WHAT IF' scenarios, and those 'WHAT IFs' should not be just be lip service but instead pushing out the best from you.

What happens when you realized that you're NOT 'OUT OF THE WOODS' yet ? When the same problem seems to be hanging over you like the Sword of Damocles ?  Sure-fire tell tale signs that you're still stuck with the same dilemma:  interactions remain uneasy, moves are still calculated, intentions are premeditated.  The long and short of it, you remain uneasy.
So why do problems keep repeating itself when, all along, we thought we have fixed things ?  MAYBE you DON'T see what you should see ?  MAYBE you only believe in what you're doing ?
MAYBE your communications really sucks ?  Or MAYBE you're risk-hesitant ?  Or you're off-track? Either way, you gotta right your wrong and compounding a wronged thing with another miscue will just further push you in deep morass.
Key here is that you gotta have the KEY to UNLOCK the problem.  Getting hold of that KEY is the KEY and more often, that is so damn elusive because many times, problems do not present as problems.  They will look like a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Or a Guardian Angel-like whisper which turns out evil.  So for COMPLEX problems, 'drill and dice' them.  For RECURRING problems, deep-dive into the ROOT CAUSE.  
For perennial problems pestering you over and over again, run through the problem and dissect it to fractions, to pieces.  All it takes is PATIENCE + PERSISTENCE + PERSEVERANCE.  These are the 3 P's that need your buy-in. All these go hand in hand with thinking out of the box.  If you seem to be in a cycle, break that cycle.  If you need to change your mind, that changes your life.  If nothing changes around you, change the things around you.  You need to break through.  You need to wake up from your conundrum. Redeem the points today for yesterday's gains.  Now you're back on track ✅✅✅

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