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Monday, May 3, 2021

Are You a One-trick Pony ?

Are You a One-trick Pony ?

Are You a One-trick Pony ?  If ever you are, we need you to keep that solitary ace up in your sleeves and start working for your next trick, next next trick and so on.  This is a sage advice that has reached us from all the previous generations.  Being a one-trick pony isn't bad.  In fact, that's a very auspicious start as it augurs well that you are on the right track.  But here's the pit you might fall through.  If you rest on that solitary ace, you are doomed to fail as early as that point when you got one trick.

You may challenge me:  WHY SHOULD WE LEARN ANOTHER TRICK WHEN WE GOT ONE ALREADY ?  Hmmmp, the short and sharp retort to that interrogative statement is this:  YOUR TRICK IS ONLY AS GOOD AS IT LASTS.   And if you tell me you take that you're willing to take that risk with just one trick, that's quite pitiful.

If you want want to have one of the best lives ever (which is to live on your own terms], then you need to PAY YOUR DUES for you to get there.  DON'T allow circumstances to define you.  If you want more freedom in your life, you got to have more discipline.  Basic DON'TsDON'T be a whiner.  DON'T be a complainer.  And what envelopes all these is our discipline which is something we were not born with.  But instead, it is akin to a muscle that needs to be trained.

If and when you may seem lost because all along, your solitary skills is enough to bring you forward, you may seem lost because you're lost with the stress and inside you.  How do you manage things? Start each day fresh like a fresh canvass where you can paint what you want.  And never feel secured with that one or two skills is all it takes for you to reach your destination.    
How do you expand your skills ?  That question goes back to you because that hinges on your directions in life.  And your directions has to be concrete enough.  You just can't declare you want to be a Seaman.  You need to ask yourself what are the responsibilities you will own up as a Seaman because that will dictate upon you the skills you need to develop towards that path.  
And if you are less motivated, a real man is one , when no one is watching, he puts in work.  These are the hallmarks of successful athletes.  They invest years and years honing their skills, be it at the basketball gym or in a boxing gym.
Let's not be a one-trick pony, dude. ❗❗❗

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