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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Steer Clear of Controversies, period

Steer Clear of Controversies, period.

Happy Sunday, enjoy your brewed coffee alongside our piece today.  Oh yes, this reminds me of one of the most basic NO-NOs in life.  That is, we need to remain to Steer Clear of Controversies, period.  Why?  First off, they are unnecessary.  And if it becomes unavoidable, ask ourselves, do we deserve to get embroiled in a controversy that can drag and worse, besmirch your name and character?

When this pandemic hit us hard, all over the world, we heard folks scampering to the supermarkets, attempting to scoop as much as they can during that 'panic buying' mode.  So POSTERIZED WARNINGS were placed all over the place.  And what if we did breach those POSTERIZED WARNINGS? We would have been caught, questioned and worst, penalized by the authorities, right?

Unless we are part of the forest wildlife, it does not take a huge human effort to Steer Clear of Controversies.  How?  READ the rules.  FOLLOW the rules [to the letter].  And worst of all worst things in life, NEVER EVER attempt to circumvent and go around the rules.  Being 'sneaky' can lead you to UNNECESSARY troubles which could have been EASILY avoided or averted in the first place.  Let us NOT be like those animals in the forest wildlife.

Oh yes, this is one of our most common mistakes [and I'd admit I made this same mistake over and over again in the past!], that is, making assumptions in a misplaced manner.  Classic example, something that did happen in the past becomes your assumption.  You got it all wrong, dude.  NEVER use the past as a barometer for your next move.

So what's our fix?  Be your own Mr FIX IT.  How?  WIDEN and EXPAND your perspective.  DON'T get 'hostaged' by the myopic [a.k.a. shortsighted] view of things.  If the solution you're eyeing for a problem will lead you to another round of problem [or worse, controversies], hold things in abeyance, STEER CLEAR of CONTROVERSIES, period❗❗❗

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