Delusions of Grandeur
No sirrrrrs, I won't veer into unknown territory. Not even about Schizophrenia which indeed includes manifestations of delusions and hallucinations. To be aligned, let's agree on the definition of delusions which, per se, is defined as that "STRONGLY HELD BELIEFS THAT ARE NOT AMENABLE TO LOGIC OR PERSUASION AND THAT ARE OUT OF KEEPING WITH THEIR HOLDER'S BACKGROUND"πππNo one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Delusions of Grandeur
Don't Ever 'POKE A BEAR'
Don't Ever 'POKE A BEAR'
No sirrrrs, we are NOT adventurous when we say Don't Ever 'POKE A BEAR' because this is meant more figuratively speaking. What we meant is that in life, much as we cherish all our freedoms, there are limitations and boundaries that may NOT be breached. Once you breach it, your guess is as good as mine, as to what happens nexrπππ
Monday, June 26, 2023
Try Stocking The Fire!
Try Stocking The Fire!
No sirrrrs, we're not talking about fires that will turn structures into ashes. Instead, we want to Try Stocking The Fire to put more fuel and energy into your 'belly' till it becomes ignitable. In life, you can be gifted, talented and intellectually ahead but unless you got that 'FIRE IN THE BELLY' nothing will ignite you to kickstart the endeavor you want to pursue. Try Stocking The FireπππSunday, June 25, 2023
It's neither a crime nor wrong for us to 'CHICKEN OUT' in life. It should NOT even deserve to be NEWS at all because in life, we do 'CHICKEN OUT' BUT here's a big BUT. It's fine to 'CHICKEN OUT' maybe once or twice in your lifetime BUT if you tend to 'CHICKEN OUT' every year or so, you have a bigger problem to resolve because that situation becomes chronic. If the exception becomes the norm, if the outlier becomes the normal occurrence, then we need to arrest that skid to a 'CHICKEN OUT' mindsetπππSaturday, June 24, 2023
Get A Grip In Life
Get A Grip In Life
We all come across zillions LESSONS IN LIFE but if there is one lesson commonly overlooked [let's call it UTTERLY DISREGARDED & DISRESPECTED], it is all about for us to Get A Grip In Life. And why do we need to Get A Grip In Life? C'mon, if for brevity I'd have one single word to Get A Grip In Life, it is all about C-O-N-T-R-O-L. Disclaimer here. CONTROLS cannot happen 100%. CONTROLS cannot happen during emergencies, natural disasters, accidents- WRITE DOWN YOUR THOUGHTS
Friday, June 23, 2023
In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'
In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'
In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'. Tracing back this expression is NOT tough as this western wagons circle around. Literally, this is meant to PROTECT YOUR TURF. And in life, this might sound so obvious but the truth is, many adults [supposedly RESPONSIBLE] are NOT protecting the turf they need to protect, literally and figurativelyπππThursday, June 22, 2023
SMILE, You Don't Own All The Problems In The World
SMILE, You Don't Own All The Problems In The World
Yessss, this is not a run-of-the-mill sentence but quite a heart-wrenching one, if you may acknowledge. SMILE, You Don't Own All The Problems In The World. Why should we spend time on this thread today? It's because many [truth is, ALL OF US] are all facing various kinds of problems in life⏳⏳⏳BUT, who has NO problems? You can't even exempt Sultan Bolkiah, Bill Gates and NOT even Pope Francis. WHY? Because to be beset with problems is part and parcel of our very own life. So, where's the beef? Our concern lies with those who are so overwhelmed [call it DROWNED] with all the problems they have at hand to the extent that you would hear some desperate voices that they DON'T want to spend an extra minute longer breathing, if at all. BUT hey, I WON'T give you any wiggle room to disagree that You Don't Own All The Problems In The Worldπππ
Oh Oh Oh, I really love this picture-less poster, I really do especially when it tells us what we should be concerned more than anything else, that coffee to remain HOT and that EYELINER to be EVEN [when all things are done]. So, while those rich in wisdom will offer insightful ideas for us to get a good handle of our problems, this poster tells us, C'MON, WHY DON'T YOU STEP BACK for a while because you deserve to be in that moment, enjoy and appreciate that moment you have at handπππTrue, we should NOT be dictated to smile. Who deserves to be told anyway? I remember when I was working with the Shell Group and one day, when I stood up from my desk in my cublcle, my colleague across our partitioned cubicle blurted 'WHY ARE YOU ANGRY'? Next thing I did was to rush to the comfort room, rushing to see myself on the mirror and I realized my [default] face seemed to be FROWNING, ouch. From that time on, I instantly changed my facial behaviors because that DIDN'T help my cause at all✅✅✅Now, please DON'T get me wrong. I'm NOT egging you to run away from your problems, NO sirrrrrs. All I'm begging is for you to pull the brakes for now, take a breather, a respite from all the stressful moments triggered by all our problems. It's a WIN-WIN thing, to exert a small ounce of effort for us to SMILE, because we DON'T OWN ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD❗❗❗
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Against All Odds - When The Betting Public Would Nod Like Bobbleheads
Against All Odds - When The Betting Public Would Nod Like Bobbleheads
How often in life do we stand Against All Odds? No doubt life is HARD at times. That recent pandemic was most brutal to us all. Everyone suffered not just financially but even mentally. Illnesses, death in the family and numerous other difficulties all contribute to make and let life look so damn miserable NOT worth living. But hey, even before we got hit hard by that pandemic, life was already HARD, right? For many of us, life is HARD more than it is NOT. And that egged me to present this as our thread today but our purpose is NOT to minimize the experience or those feelingsπππTuesday, June 20, 2023
Keep Moving, Cover Your Tracks
Keep Moving, Cover Your Tracks
Keep Moving, Cover Your Tracks. Is this worth to be our thread today. Absolutely, because with social media platforms lording over our daily lives, it seems, unconsciously, our lives become an OPEN BOOK, which BTW is NOT wrong per se except when that 'OPENNESS' does stretch way beyond boundsπππ
As businesses, educational institutions and workplaces are replacing face-to-face interactions and telephone calls that are considered ARCHAIC and time-consuming with texts, emails, online video conferencing and web portals. As more communications exchanges are digitized, it makes PRIVACY information more vulnerable and susceptible to compromise and data breaches. Even sensitive information like driver's license, bank account, medical records, social security and our credit card numbers are linked to individualsπππIndeed, sensitive personal data should be protected similarly to the safeguarding of computer login credentials. A recent IT Security report showed that in the United States alone, over 1.4 million people are victims of IDENTIFY THEFT each year and this has been most rampant among students. And to align us all, IDENTIFY THEFT is defined as when an individual using another person's information to obtain access to credit card facilities or even medical care⏳⏳⏳Monday, June 19, 2023
WHY is there so much EXCITEMENT at the start? WHY are we oozing with ENTHUSIASM at the start? WHY is our energy level at its peak at the start? When The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out, what triggers the SIZZLE to FIZZLE Out? Frankly, there's a zillion of reasons why The SIZZLE FIZZLES OutπππLook no farther from this world map as it shows that divorce rates are high across the Americas and Europe. But that is just one dimension when The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out, But this encroaches our daily lives, even when we're still in a school, OR at the workplace OR in our entrepreneurial initiatives. So, we need to figure out, WHY are we suffering from a lack of ENTHUSIASM? OR are we facing difficulty to MOTIVATE ourselves? OR are we struggling to rekindle that fervor to achieve something❓❓❓Sunday, June 18, 2023
Is Cyberbullying An Issue Now?
Is Cyberbullying An Issue Now?
Is Cyberbullying An Issue Now? Very much it is. And this chart says it all. 79% of Cyberbullying is happening between Facebook and Instagram. We can even close our eyes with the rest of the social media platforms like Twitter and YouTube but this statistical data should raise alarms no less because the segment of society who is most impacted by Cyberbullying are the young lives. And if do a random sampling of statistical data, the numbers will send out shivers no lessπππSeparate studies in the United States and Singapore have found that almost half of respondents in these countries have experienced Cyberbullying. But the bigger concern here is that this Cyberbullying problem could be under-reported as many youths tend to SUFFER IN SILENCE. Experts opined that victims should turn to a trusted adult for help while parents need to take more preemptive measuresπππNow, let's pull the bull by its horns and face head-on what Cyberbullying really is. IT IS bullying with the use of digital technologies. IT IS taking place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and yes, even on smart phones. IT IS repeated behavior aimed at scaring, angering OR shaming those targeted. And the real-life testimonials are scary⏳⏳⏳Cyberbullying is spreading lies about OR posting embarassing photos or videos of someone on social media. Cyberbullying is sending hurtful, abusive or threatening messages, images or videos via messaging platforms. Cyberbullying is impersonating someone and sending mean messages to others on their behalf or through spurious or fake accounts✅✅✅Cyberbullying can even happen in parallel with face-to-face bullying but the biggest challenge confronting us all is that Cyberbullying leaves a digital footprint. This nightmare worsens when we consider the fact that Cyberbullying is happening even across online gaming communities and online forums, message boards such as Reddit. What's our FIX now? When you perceive someone within your family is going through Cyberbullying, LITERALLY CLAMP down on the connectivity. Move that person on a hiatus but be convincing enough that this is for his own interest❗❗❗
Straight from my thought processes...
Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!
Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites. LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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