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Monday, June 19, 2023



WHY is there so much EXCITEMENT at the start?  WHY are we oozing with ENTHUSIASM at the start?  WHY is our energy level at its peak at the start?  When The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out, what triggers the SIZZLE to FIZZLE Out? Frankly, there's a zillion of reasons why The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out📌📌📌

Look no farther from this world map as it shows that divorce rates are high across the Americas and Europe.  But that is just one dimension when The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out,    But this encroaches our daily lives, even when we're still in a school, OR at the workplace OR in our entrepreneurial initiatives.  So, we need to figure out, WHY are we suffering from a lack of ENTHUSIASMOR are we facing difficulty to MOTIVATE ourselves?  OR are we struggling to rekindle that fervor to achieve something❓❓❓
The harsh reality in our lives is that when MOTIVATION is lacking, you become PASSIVE, unhappy and you end up staying or remaining in that same situation without making progress.  So, this should be non-debatable that we should change a situation that seemingly hits the wall⏳⏳⏳
What we CANNOT ignore is that both MOTIVATION + ENTHUSIASM are the driving forces that trigger us to take actions towards achieving our goals.  What is most FRUSTRATING is when you a goal to accomplish but you just CAN'T awaken enough of your DESIRE and MOTIVATION to take action❗❗❗
Now let's rattle off the most common ROOT CAUSES that we must attack [and FIX].  A WEAK DESIRE.  LAZINESS.  SHYNESS.  LACK of BELIEF.  ABSENCE OF SELF-ESTEEM.  LACK of SELF-CONFIDENCE.  NEGATIVE THINKING and worst of all, that NEGATIVE SELF TALKBTW, let us NOT blame others when we lack either that ENTHUSIASM or MOTIVATION.  Bottom line is, when the SIZZLE FIZZLES OUT, you got to figure out the root cause if only to extricate yourself from that deep trench in life✅✅✅

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